13. Convalescence

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"All good here?", Shaurya asked Mehek as he entered her room. A nurse had just moved Mehek in a wheel chair to the room. She was still studying her surroundings when he walked in. "It has all medical facilities so I thought it will be better if you stay here", he spoke cheerfully, "you are still unwell my dear else I would have moved to my...I mean our bedroom". Her eyes went down to her lap dubiously. "Oh! don't be sad", he acted out to pity, "soon you will be hale and healthy and I will carry you there like a bride", he rubbed her chin, "I can't wait for that day", he spoke hoarsely, "you have no idea what I have planned for you". She swiftly leaned into his hands. An act least expected so he didn't know how to respond rather than remaining passive. "Thank you", she spoke softly as tears brimmed in her eyes.

Shaurya was caught unaware. He gulped hard, unable to decide a suitable return. She is the one whom he hates the most but yet she is not the same. The hapless woman sitting before him, entirely under his mercy has no knowledge about Mehek's ill deeds. He was battling whether to be kind or to take advantage of the situation. Sensing his turmoil, she became remorseful to move away, "I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable". Gratitude and then Apology; the two within a duration of few minutes. Both never ever expected from Mehek Sharma. Yet it occurred. That too him being the receiver. Somehow the roles were changed, in all senses. She became the weakling while he had climbed up to have the upper hand.

"It's okay, Mehek", Shaurya tried to manage. "I know how you have taken care of me while I was in coma", Mehek whispered. Strict instructions were given to everyone by Dr. Malhotra not to burden her with past. According to him, her memories need not be forced but rather come back on their own. Shaurya was wondering whether she actually recalled her scandalous past, regretting her deeds. "Hospital staff couldn't stop praising you", her words explained him, "they said you were one of a kind". "Am I?", he asked her sarcastically, "what do you think?". Silence engulfed while he awaited her reply which never came. Her gaze fell to their wedding photograph adoring the wall.

"We look happy", Mehek spoke. Shaurya sighed, nodding. He had no intention to tell her truth. In time, she will know everything. "Were we in love?", she asked abruptly. He looked away but recited the line he had rehearsed, "It was an arranged marriage, Mehek. Your father made decision and we happily complied". "So we liked each other to agree to the proposal, didn't we?", she was curious, "did we fall in Love eventually?". He cleared his throat, "We didn't get much time Mehek. Sometime after our wedding, your father expired landing all of us in sorrow and then later you met with the accident". "Yes, The accident", she suddenly held her head in pain. She was visibly uncomfortable. "you take rest", he spoke without any emotions, "nurse will bring your medicines". Disappointment swirled in her pained eyes. Perhaps she expected care and aid from him. Satisfaction seeped into him. "Bye, Mehek", he didn't spare her another moment while enjoying his win.

Few months passed away. Mehek was able to move around on her own but still needed help. She was still figuring out herself and her relations. Her enigmatic husband who was supposed to dot on her seemed to be avoiding her. Her Uncle and Aunt behaved as if she was an alien. Servants and nurses appointed to take of her, did their duty to perfection but none were amicable towards her. She felt lonely and lost. Above all, Shaurya's behaviour perplexed her. He remained over caring around her still she felt an undercurrent in his behaviour. She tried to console herself that perhaps he was struggling to take care of his wife who suddenly woke up just like in a fairy tale story. Often his attitude made her uncomfortable while their situation became awkward.

Nehal was the only one who provided some solace to Mehek. Unfortunately, her Aunt had restricted her visits citing some silly excuses. So she felt happy when her cousin walked into her room with a box of chocolates. "Mehek, you can't have them", Kanta admonished her. "Just one piece, Aunty", Nehal pled on behalf of Mehek. "She is on a strict diet", Kanta appeared like a strict matron, "However, I know Mehek never cares about rules and regulation. Go ahead if you want to", she spat her, "but let me tell you that Shaurya won't be happy". Spirits of both girls dampened as soon as she spoke about Shaurya. Nehal half-heartedly gave up the box to Kanta who scoffed at their defeat. "Help her to get ready for her hospital visit", Kanta instructed Nehal, "Shaurya doesn't like to be late".

"I don't want to go", Mehek whined as soon as Kanta left, "these hospital visits give me creeps. I feel like a lab rat". "It's for your own good", Nehal justified. "Seems like none wants me to be here", she complained, "I feel like a burden to all". "Not for Shaurya", Nehal pointed out. "Especially for Shaurya", her lips wobbled in angst, "he seems to be eager to stay away from me. I can't believe he cared for me all those years". "You need to believe", Nehal admonished Mehek sharply. But soon she felt guilty seeing her cousin in distress.

Mehek has always been good to Nehal.  She had helped Nehal whenever she was in dire need. With time, they may have drifted apart. Perhaps an unseen barrier came in between them.  Nehal never knew undercurrents in the her cousin's marriage because she was send away to university for studies. All she knew was Mehek was not very happy with the arranged marriage. To be honest, she was not surprised. Shaurya was never Mehek's type. Nehal assumed that her cousin may have agreed to marriage under Balwant Uncle's pressure. 

It was clear to many that Mehek labeled Shaurya as a gold digger and often insulted him even in public. From what Nehal knew, Shaurya had always endured out of respect of their late uncle. Later after the accident, he took care of her even when there was no hope for her recovery. Nehal never probed deeper into failed marriage of her cousin so was still unaware of many truths. She remained in awe about love and care Shaurya showed for Mehek. Obviously her clouded judgement made her find fault in her cousin.

"Mehek", Nehal sat on her knees to be at par with her cousin, "All these years, Shaurya had be lonely. He never stop taking care of you even when our family urged him". Mehek nodded trying to understand. "Now when you are awake, he needs you more than ever. You are lucky to have a caring husband like Shaurya. Don't let him face the world alone. You both needs to be a team", Nehal tried to convince her. "But why do I feel he is different; cold and distant. Why does his words seem hollow? His smile never reaches his eyes whenever he is beside me", Mehek poured out her sorrow. "I don't know, Mehek", she accepted her defeat, " from where I see, I could only find a loyal husband who could move mountains for you. Perhaps the problem is you".

"What have I done?", Mehek hissed in sorrow. "Nothing", Nehal countered, "you are doing nothing", she explained, "you need to take initial steps". She sighed as Mehek was unable to comprehend, "Trust me it is equally difficult for him, may be a bit more difficult", Nehal tried to put things in preceptive, "he was used to company of a sleeping beauty who is now awake but as a stranger. He is lonelier than before". Her words started to make sense to Mehek."Tell him you are there for him. Make him feel cherished. Just the way he did all these years for you", Nehal advised.

Mehek finally started to see light at the end of the tunnel. "He had done his part, dear cousin. If you ask me, he had overdone it for many years. Now it is your turn", Nehal squeezed her hands to give her comfort. Slowly Nehal started to narrate how Shaurya had taken care of Mehek all those years. She made Mehek aware of the truth which she already knew but now in detail. She was loud & clear to ensure that Mehek is aware of Shaurya's commitment towards his wife. In short, Mehek saw her own story from Nehal's perception.  

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