17. Face the Music

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"I don't wish to go", Mehek said dubiously to Neha who doing final touches to her make up. Clad in a heavy designer wear while sitting on a wheel chair, Mehek was more like a damsel rather than heiress. "You look lovely", Nehal praised her, "you used to be life of any party. You got it girl", she tried to boost her confidence. But they both knew that times have changed. She was yet to her strength and skills back. It was difficult for her to walk without support so evidently she was diffident to face a crowd of strangers. "What if something bad happens?", she was anxious, "will Shaurya be embarrassed because of me?". "I am sure he will handle it", Nehal tried to console her.

Shaurya was fixing his bow tie while contemplating his next move. Today, heiress Mehek Sharma will be facing the world after a long gap as his wife. He wanted her to feel low, being embarrassed due to her disability. Just like he was humiliated in past owing to his lineage. Not just Mehek, but many in society mistreated him as dirt despite his virtue. Many still does, although mostly behind scenes. Embarrassing Mehek will be a slap to the class into which she was born. 

Shaurya looked on when Nehal wheeled Mehek towards him. He had to admit that his wife is still gorgeous. Years and illness failed to dim her beauty. He knew she was uncomfortable to face the world so first step of his plan already accomplished. Yet her oblivious visage, made him think otherwise. "If you are feeling uneasy, you don't have to accompany me", he offered like a caring husband. "I want to come with you", she spoke softly with a cute blush. "Are you sure?", he asked again. "I will be fine as long as you are with me", she held his hand softly.

Parties, Red carpet, Constant clicks for photographs . Questions shot from all sides. Nothing was new for Mehek. She dealt them with ease while Shaurya who was inadvertently shy found it still difficult to manage. He usually donned his poker face with tight lipped short replies. He hated such events but tonight he deliberately wanted to put a show. But he realised that even when Mehek was no longer the old one, she was unaffected. She may have lost her memories but her attitude and confidence were still intact.

By the time the couple managed to enter the venue, it was clear that Mehek was a bit shaken. Her wheelchair was stuck multiple times, giving ample opportunities being snapped and questioned. "Are you okay, Mehek?", he faked his concern while she was trying hard to adjust. She simply nodded trying her best to smile. One of the passing waiter offered her a glass of water which she chugged down in an instant. As she tried to grab another glass, he quickly dismissed the waiter. "What are you doing, Mehek?", he scolded her, "this is not your home with nurse or family members. How will you manage to go to restroom?", he acted to irritated, "Do you expect me to carry you to ladies room?". "I am sorry as I didn't think", she apologised keeping her head low. Tears brimmed while he slowly started to enjoy her predicament.

"Don't be sad", Shaurya kneeled beside her, "It's my fault", he tried to make her feel bad, "I was so eager to bring you out but didn't think through it". "No, it isn't", she was quick to defend him, "I will be fine. I promise", she held his hand supportively. The smile in her face dampened his mood but he acted to be happy. Time passed while the couple tried to mingle. Subtly he didn't waste any opportunity to make feel low but she faced while holding holding her head high. Perhaps, she will be more vulnerable alone., he mused. "Mehek, I need to meet someone", he excused, "I will be back soon", he left even before she could speak.

Mehek looked on as Shaurya disappeared into the crowd. In actual, he was still watching her like a hawk while hidden amidst people. She looked baffled and scared, probably hungry and thirsty. Just the same way, he was long back. Unable to comprehend why people like her ill-treated him. He was too indulged stalking her to notice someone walking behind him. "Hello Shaurya", he heard baritone voice of DK.

Digvijay Khurana aka DK. A business wizard. Shaurya had immense regard for his acumen. He adored him for long, wishing to have him as a mentor. But all that washed away in one meeting when Balwant Uncle introduced him to DK. He was a pompous man who was proud of his heritage and legacy. He compared Shaurya to grime and shamed him for leeching Balwant Sharma while being born to a criminal father.

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