9.Let her go

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"It's tough to find a good replacement of Archie", Shaurya told Mehek, "I meant in the medical team treating her", he laughed wickedly,"Not for me. I am sure I will find a better f*ck buddy soon", he taunted her, "I already have few in my mind. Do you want to know who is on top of the list?", he wiggled his eyebrows, "your cousin, Nehal". As usual Mehek didn't respond but he didn't stop, "I am sure she is missing action from her boyfriend. It was so evident from the ways she asked how I manage my urges. I am sure she will comply easily if I make a move", he went on as usual, "I am a safe bet for her. No ties or expectation. Or am I?", he turned to Mehek, acting anxious, "What if she get pregnant from me? Will she try to trap me or abort it and go back to boyfriend?".

It was no longer a bitter banter. Memories rushed into Shaurya's mind how Mehek had cruelly killed an innocent child to hide her sinful deeds. "Nehal is from your bloodline. You know her better", his anger rose so he came near Mehek and roared, "Answer me, Mehek? What will she do?". Her silence started to mock him, fuelling his anger. "Tell me why did you do it?', he started to shake Mehek. He got tired as his questions were answered with numbing silence. "Pathetic", he released her, making her slump back into bed. "Why don't you just die?", he spat at her in frustration and left in anger. He failed to notice thin line of blood leaking from her nose.

Few days later. Kanta and Nehal were in Mehek's room, taking care of her with absolute iil intention to catch Shaurya's attention. Kanta wanted him be aware of their effort. She did her best to sneak Nehal into his heart so she had deliberately given off to nurse. She wanted showcase that Nehal will be a perfect partner who will take care of him and Mehek. "Is she bleeding", Nehal pointed bloodstains on Mehek's face. "She bleeds at times. Nothing to worry", Kanta quickly wiped her face clean. 

Nehal was not convinced, "Does it happen often? Shouldn't we inform her Doctors?". "No need", Kanta brushed it aside, "They would simple make a fuss. Poor Shaurya will have to bear the extra cost". "But...", Nehal tried to speak but she was shushed, "you don't worry about Mehek. An entire medical team is at her disposal. Just focus on Shauyra". Nehal sighed, accepting defeat. She realised that they preferred Mehek to meet her end rather that being in coma. She gazed at her cousin who was once epitome of life. Perhaps, death may not be terrible for Mehek.

Few weeks passed. "Chief, Her brain activity was showing slight improvements although we didn't inform, Mr. Khanna", one of Doctors informed their senior Doctor "But today her health suddenly declined. She is hospitalised now". Chief glared at him so he spoke timidly, "She is critical". 

Dr. Malhotra, commonly known as Chief amongst his juniors, has seen enough doomed patients in his long career. He felt no pity for rich patients like Mehek who had enough wealth to keep their comatose body intact. Yet she was not trivial because she is a life. Being practical, he had often advised Mr. Khanna to pull the plug as he had lost hope in Mrs. Khanna's recovery. He would have preferred to give a merciful end and donate her vital organs to a needy patients. But it was not his call to make. When Mr. Khanna decided to keep her alive, all he could do was provide support. So he had recommended best doctors for Mrs. Khanna's medical team. He had expected Mehek to carry on for few more years but her sudden decline was surprise to him. "Get me the team leads", he barked at the junior Doctor.

"None of you noticed anything unusual", Chief shot at his best students. "The reports are before you, Chief", Sameer was first one to open his mouth, "everything was fine, until today". Dr. Malhotra took a deep breath, taking in the information. Sameer was right but only on papers. Reports showed nothing unusual but an experienced professional can read between lines. Yet he had nothing solid to accuse them. "She may sink", he sighed in dismay , "let's try our best to save her or give her an easy way out", with those words he dismissed them.

One by one they all left. Archie was last one to exit but she stayed as she read her teacher's eyes. "Even you didn't catch any signs, Archita?", he asked her. Along with anxiety, she could sense a bit of disappointment in him. She was serving her notice period yet he didn't want to believe that she will slack in her duties. "I am sorry, Chief", she apologized earnestly. Whether he knew about her crime or just considered it as her mistake, she didn't know. 

Dr. Malhotra shook his head, "We are Doctors, Archita. If we don't know the value of life then who will". "She is nothing but a vegetable", she tried to reason. "Who gave you the right to decide and play God??", he spat at her. "I am sorry, Chief", tears adorned Archie's cheeks but Dr. Malhotra dismissed her feelings. He cannot tolerate negligence even when she is one of his best prodigy. "Leave", he ordered before turning away from her.

Dr. Malhotra informed Shaurya and other family members about Mehek's condition. He didn't share his doubts about negligence of the team because his focus now was to try his best to save his patient. "Don't worry about expenses", Shauyra reassured, "Do whatever you have to save her". Dr. Malhotra sighed but didn't argue. He didn't have anytime to waste. His energy needs to be channelled to save Mrs. Khanna. 

Once Dr. Malhotra left , Shaurya sat dubiously. He didn't know how long he sat there, feeling hollow and numb. Until Jeevan came close to him, he failed to even realise his premises. "She cannot leave me so easily", he mumbled to Jeevan, "Can she?", Shaurya asked like a desperate kid. Jeevan kept a consoling hand on his shoulder, "Perhaps it is for the best".

Shaurya shook his head vigorously. "She can't", he spoke loudly, "I won't let her go. She is bound to me". "She had left us long back", Jeevan spoke sadly, "Mehek we all knew was long gone". It wasn't clear, whether Jeevan was referring to rebel behaviour of Mehek that isolated from her family or her coma after accident. Both didn't probe for a clarification. 

All these years, Shaurya had found his solace while seeking revenge from a bedridden, helpless Mehek. He was afraid to lose his balance if Mehek is removed from his life. "What will I do without her?", involuntarily he shared his fears. "You will be free", Jeevan knew it may sound cruel but he wanted him to know the truth.

Unlike Kanta, Jeevan had no hidden agenda. He didn't want Shaurya to be trapped in another transactional marriage without any warmth of love. Shaurya was once forced to marry Mehek. Later fate tied him down to her lifeless body. He may have honoured their marriage to fulfill his duties as gratitude his late Brother Balwant. However Jeevan was sure that it was not love.

Both children were suffering. Mehek was utmost dead while Shaurya was not even living. He genuinely wanted Shaurya to be free, perhaps Mehek too. "Let her go, Son", it was not an order but a stern advice from a concerned elder. "I will have no reason to live", a lone tear escaped from Shaurya's eye. "You will find one", Jeevan reassured, "it may take time but you will find the one destined for you". Jeevan remained tight lipped allowing Shaurya to settle.

"Go home", after a while Jeevan told him. Silence that prevailed amidst them proved that Shaurya had given up arguing. "Won't it be better if I stay?", Jeevan saw glimpse of the same innocent boy when Shaurya asked him timidly. "I will be here, Son", Jeevan reassured him, "you need to leave". Jeevan knew he was hard on the poor boy but it was for his own good. 

Without another word, Shaurya sprang to his feet and briskly walked out as if not giving another chance for anyone call him from behind. 

Consign to Oblivionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें