3. Blooming

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"You can leave", Shaurya asked the home nurse, "I will take care of her sponge bath". "Shaurya, why do you have to do it yourself when we have hired help?", Kanta asked him, with a hint of disapproval. "You know, I like to take care of Mehek", he charmingly gave her the usual reply. She appreciated his care for Mehek at the same feeling bad for him. She felt he deserved better. Mehek never valued him as long as she was awake, always treating him like dirt. However, he had always taken good care of her, even before her accident. Kanta and nurse left after drawing curtain and keeping necessary items accessible for him.

Shaurya untied the strings of the patient gown Mehek was wearing. He lifted her body gently, to pull the flimsy cloth away. He gazed at her soft pale flesh nonchalantly. He plunged the sponge in warm water then squeezed it dry. He proceeded, carefully clean her hands, face, neck and then moved to her breast. Despite cleaning her numerous times, his heart beats faster when her nipples hardened in chill air. "Are you feeling okay, Mehek?", he asked her coyly. He smiled at his folly expecting answer from her. "If I didn't know better I would have thought you are responding to my touch", he teased her. He slowly parted her thighs to clean her intimate area, "But I am enjoying every moment", he spoke evilly, "because I am well aware that you are disgusted when I touch you".

******Shaurya hardly had a wink of sleep. Last night he had picked up his bride from a shady pub. Drunk to her wits ends, she was reeking of alcohol and stench of her own vomit. Her cries had gathered sympathy from bar attender who informed her family before closing the bar. Shaurya was quick to reach, only to be entrusted his unconscious wife. 

Mehek murmured softly as she was slowly waking up from her drunken slumber. Shaurya was quickly on her side while handling her a glass of water . Once she realised it was him, despite being weak, she tried to push away from him.

Dislike from Sharma family was neither novel nor unexpected for Shaurya. Balwant Sharma, a distant relative of his late mother had been benevolent on him. The old man was kind enough to take him in. He was mere a charity case. Yet others considered him as a leech with bad blood. Younger generation were wise enough not to condemn him yet kept him at bay. Mehek was no exception. But now she hated him He knew she was not unreasonable. When he was asked to replay kindness bestowed on him, he was tongue tied to reject. He could only wish that Mehek will try to understand his predicament. Along with her, his future and aspirations were also at stake.

"Where am I?", Mehek mumbled, unaware that the blanket covering her modesty has slipped off her chest. Shaurya looked away but insisted her to take the medicine, "have it you will feel better". She was quick to realise her condition and draped sheet around her, "What did you do to me last night?". He was aghast that she thinks so low of him. "Your clothes were covered in your vomit. I had to clean you before helping you to bed", he spoke in anger, "I couldn't leave in soiled clothes". "Stay away from me, Shaurya", she sneered at him throwing away the glass, "I would rather stay in dirt than being with you, Your touch disgust me".*******

"Nehal will be joining us for dinner", Kanta informed when they were having breakfast. "Nice", Shaurya replied pleasantly but return didn't say anything else. She nudged her husband but Jeevan simply ignored her. Being defeated, Kanta spoke again, "She has completed her studies. Her parents are looking for good alliances but Nehal has refused". "Good decision", Shaurya responded, "she should now concentrate on her career. Marriage can wait". Jeevan chuckled as he noted the frown on his wife's face. "I will leave now", Shaurya got up to leave, "Please ask chef to make something special. Mehek will be so happy to see her cousin".

"I told you", Jeevan spoke nonchalantly while buttering his toast, "he is least interested in Nehal. For that matter, in any other woman". "For how long? Soon he may find a suitable match. Then we will be thrown out", Kanta exhales holding her forehead in worry, "We need to get him married to a girl of our choice. Nehal is already drawn to him. She is beautiful and young. A slight nudge from our side, he will comply". Jeevan smirked, unable to agree to his wife's devious plan.

"When did Nehal find Shaurya attractive?", Jeevan snapped at her, "As far as I remember, she and her likes never considered him more than a servant. Now when he is successful and wealthy, all want a piece of him", he scolded Kanta. Before she could reply, he spoke, "Shaurya could have easily driven us out if he wanted. Perhaps, he feel a bit for me since I always treated him well. Let's not be greedy and scheme for more". His words shut her mouth, nevertheless she decided to give it a try.

Nehal. Shaurya studied her discreetly while having dinner. He was quite surprised that Sharma family has chosen her to woo him. She was a beauty with absolutely no brains. Poor in academics or any other fields. She used to do modelling. Perhaps would have been made a career out of it unless her family found it in poor taste. Although part of the bratty lot, Nehal was slightly better. Nehal never found pleasure in mistreating him so rather avoided or remained passive while others mocked him. Not because she has a kind heart but  lacked backbone to stand apart. She was always a posey of Mehek. 

Shaurya grinned at his luck. If he wants he could easily use and dump Nehal, giving a befitting reply to schemers who once considered him as an outcast. But he chose not to. He had long back vowed never to be a brute like his father. He had broken his principles for Mehek because not everyone is like her.

"Can we take a walk in the garden?", Nehal asked Shuarya softly once dinner was over. Although subtle, Kanta smiled deviously, enjoying that her niece is moving her cards swiftly. "It will be a bit chilly", Shaurya tried to dodge.  "Oh! The weather is pleasant, Dear", Kanta tried to persuade. "Fine, then why don't you all join", Shaurya tried to bully her attempt. Jeevan laughed but as Kanta glared, he decided to help her, "You both go ahead. We will wait for you in the library for card game".

"I need your help", Nehal blurted out as soon as both were ear shot away from other. Shaurya was interested now. He had expected her to act coy or in the least flirt with him. "I am listening", he replied staying calm. "My parents are forcing me to date you. But I can't", she spoke timidly, "Please don't misunderstand me. You are great guy. But I am in love with someone else". He chuckled softly, enjoying her nervousness. "Clearly, you are mistaken. I am a married man", he told her. "I know, Shaurya. Besides, you are least interested in me. Yet my family wants to tie us together. Please help me", she begged him. Feeling intrigued, he enquired, "How can I help you?".

"He is a photographer. We met during an ad shoot", Nehal explained, "my parents will never agree because he is not from an elite background. We can't marry suddenly. He needs some time to settle. Till then...", Nehal stopped awkwardly. Shaurya raised his eyebrow questioning her. "Please play along. You don't have to do anything. Just act the same way. They all know you won't change your decision soon. Meanwhile, It will buy me enough time". 

Shaurya sighed listening to her. He felt bad for Nehal as well as a slight bit of admiration. She atleast had the courage to tell him the truth rather than tricking him. So he agreed to play his part but with a warning, "If your family insists further then I will have to put my foot down and reject your proposal. Until then hope you have had your time". 

Consign to OblivionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora