16. You, Me and Her

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Mehek was browsing through dresses while Shaurya stood beside her, pushing her wheel chair and helping her reach out the clothes from hanger. He had decided to keep his promise while taking her for shopping. He knew, if nothing it will in the least, appease Jeevan Uncle.

Last night, they agreed to give their marriage one more month. Although Mehek seemed to optimistic, Shaurya had little hope. Yet he decided give her benefit of doubt. She has chosen another four weeks to withstand torment from his side even when he gave her a free exit. Now he will feel less guilty to make her miserable. It was easy for Mehek to overlook their past because she suffering from memory lapse. As long as his memory is intact, it will not be possible to forget ill deeds.

"How is it?", Mehek asked breaking his trance. Shauyra noticed her holding, an elegant but simple attire. "Nice one", he agreed, "you always loved pink". "I thought you said I like red", she was confused, recalling how he gifted her red roses when she was in hospital. "Ofcourse", he grinned sheepishly, "red is your favourite colour but you always picked dresses in pink". She smiled, feeling happy that he knows her well. 

Being embarrassed, Shaurya moved away while she got busy checking more clothes. To curb time, he opened his phone to check few mails. While momentarily glancing away from phone, he found a familiar face in the boutique. As he was contemplating whether to make himself visible to her, she has already saw him. With a smile, she walked to him. "Good see you, Archie", he addressed her and accepted her with wide arms when she walked to him for a friendly hug.

"I am surprised to see you here", Shaurya told Archie. "I ought to feel shocked", she exclaimed, "what are you doing in boutique for women?". "I came with...", he suddenly paused. It was hard to conceal the awkwardness of their situation as he moved his head to Mehek's direction. She was looking at them, anticipating him to introduce her. 

"Archie, you know Mehek", Shaurya spoke nonchalantly while she gazed at Mehek. She had taken care of Mehek for years, yet never saw her awake. "Mehek, this is Archie", Shaurya quickly corrected himself, "Dr. Archita Mehta. She was part of the medical who was taking care of you". Mehek and Archita quickly shook hands while greeting one another. "Thank you so much for your treatment. Shaurya never fails to mention how professionally you all took care of me", Mehek appreciated. "It was part of my job", Archita replied polietly. 

"I am so sorry, I couldn't recognise you before Shaurya introduced you", Mehek apologised, "I can't recall meeting you". "She is now moving abroad so she had quit some time back before you woke up. Else you would have met eachother for sure", he told her, "she was one of best doctors in the team". The enthusiasm with which he was appreciating about Dr. Archita made Mehek edgy while the other woman also found herself in unhandy situation. 

After few moments of silence, Archita spoke, "I got to go. Some last minute purchases before I leave", she looked on to Mehek, "Take Care, Mrs. Khanna". While Mehek gracefully accepting her partying words, she was not comfortable when Archita hugged her husband again in pretence of bidding farewell. She noticed that they remained in each other arms a tad bit more than required. "Bye, Shaurya", her voice tinted with yearn. It didn't affect him in the lease yet pricked Mehek.

Shaurya noticed that his wife's mood had dampened. A slight fear seeped into his mind whether she recognised Archie from the amorous stories he had narrated while she was sleeping. They decided to continue shopping after grabbing a bite from nearby café. "She is a special person, isn't she?", Mehek finally asked him, "not a regular doctor who you hired to take care of me". "A good friend", he tried to keep up the appearances. "Someone who gave you solace when being lonely", she added dubiously. "You got it all wrong", he tried to justify but she denied by telling him, "I understand, Shaurya".

 Anger surged into Shaurya when he saw Mehek looking away to hide her sorrow. She was the same woman who paraded her affair while being married to him. Without a care about her father or him, she had repeatedly humiliated while being with her lover. She proved to be disloyal to even Azaan when she aborted child she conceived from another man. Now like a saint, she sat across, daring to call him a cheater.

"You have no right to question me", Shaurya blurted in anger. "I know", Mehek acceptance brought his senses back. He found it hard to know whether she is fully aware of her sins. Perhap it led her to acceptance. "Anyone in your place would have done the same", her words were still enigmatic, " infact most men would have left his wife to die while pursuing another woman. But you always took care of me". He took a deep breath to calm himself. Her dirty past and sinister present was meddling with his rational mind. He need not give her any justification. Their marriage is taking its last breath, only a month is left for it to lose its life. To avoid further problems he decided to keep quiet.

"Do you love her?", Mehek's question made Shaurya jump from his seat. "Ofcourse not", he was aghast but spoke the truth. Archie was just a convenient option. Beyond that she was just a friend. He never had any feelings for except friendship. "you can be honest with me", she pled him, "if she the reason you want to end our marriage then I don't want to tie you down for more time". He grabbed onto the table to prevent himself from lashing out at her. 

"Mehek, believe it or not but Archie is just a friend", Shaurya spoke calmly but strong enough for her to realise his anger, "our marriage had enough reasons to break but she is not one of them". "I am sorry", her lips wobbled, " I couldn't help...", she hiccupped, " when I saw the way she was looking at you". Her words irritated as he felt her accusing Archie being in love with him. "Don't create a scene in public place", he rebuked. She tried hard to control her tears. When he offered a glass of water, she gracefully accepted it.

"Let's go to another boutique", Shaurya stood up to leave. Mehek was surprised because they have had bought enough for her already. "I just go an invitation for a grand attend", he told feigning disinterest, "We need to attend as a couple". She gulped down contemplating her condition. "Aren't you the one who wanted to work on our marriage?", he taunted her, "I can no longer be a stag entry since my wife has woken up from coma", he then narrowed his eyes on her, "this event is not something that I can afford to miss. So we have to make an appearance", he emphasised, "together. As a happy couple. Just like you wanted us to be". She nodded being hypnotised his commanding aura.  

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