7 Amatory

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"It's been some time, isn't it?". Archie asked while tracing contours of her lover's chiseled abs, "A long time, if I may say". Sheath of sweat still glowered their bodies even though satisfaction lingering in the air was slowly fading away. Few minutes back they were panting for breath while recovering from their release. She had rested her head on his chest, stealing few moments before they totally descend from their high and be drawn into harsh reality. Lack of response from latter, irked her. "Shaurya, are you there?", she asked again to ensure that he hasn't dozed off. He simply hummed in response and replied lazily, "it's been few months now". He didn't her to feel used or ignored, so added, "I have been busy:"

'How do you manage you urges?', Shaurya recalled Nehal's question. Although he laughed and brushed aside her words, he has an answer. Archie, was remedy to his humanely needs.

Dr. Archita Mehta. A divorcee with no expectations from relationship but keen about her career . She is single without any immediate family. Their arrangement started as a mishap owing to a weak moment when they both fell prey for their needs. Later once they realised that their hook-ups will benefit both, they continued without hesitation. No commitment , just good s*x. Yet they kept their amorous relationship neatly under covers. Afterall, Archie is Mehek's doctor. Or rather one of the many experts in the team hired by Shaurya to keep Mehek healthy.

Shaurya got out of bed to pick up his pants from floor. Archie admired his physique while he put on his shirt. "You can stay for the night. I can make a light supper for us", she invited him, "perhaps we can make up the missing time after we eat", she suggested lustfully. "A tempting offer, Darling", he spoke charmingly not hiding the upcoming rejection, "but I need to get back home tonight. A big day in office tomorrow. I need some rest", he caressed her cheek. "You are always good at excuses", she seemed to be miffed. He chuckled hearing her, "Don't be mad", he tried to compensate, " How about I order from your favourite restaurant", he offered to dine with her, "then if my tigress is still hungry, then I will ensure to satisfy her until she pushed me off the bed. Then only I will take leave". Butterflies fluttered in her stomach, hearing his sinful promise. "Still you won't stay", she asked even after knowing his answer. "I can't", he mouthed softly with a tint of apology..

Archie knew Shaurya well enough. So she sighed, accepting defeat. As she proceeded to wear her nightdress, she pushed away the distaste of his denial. She didn't want to spoil her evening. "Okay then I will open a wine bottle since you are paying for the dinner", she told decisively. While she was away, he was quick to order her favourites. He tried his best never to treat Archie lowly. But he always maintained his boundaries. They were in a mutually benefitting affair. Apart from it, they can be friends but nothing more. According to him it kept things in perceptive. It gave them both clarity, with least chance to breed unwanted expectations.

"I heard you are not happy with Dr. Mehta", Archie asked him while pouring wine into his glass. Shaurya nodded, "it's mutual. Even he doesn't want to stay. So it is better to replace him". "He is not incompetent, Shaurya. He may not sugar coat his words but he is good", she tried to persuade him. "I have enough money to hire better Doctors than him", he defied, "he consistently suggests to give up on Mehek". 

Archie has anticipated their conversation to reach this sour junction. "He has a point", she tried to be reasonable, "you need to accept that Mehek may never wake up". Shaurya seemed to be least affected by her conviction. "I am fully aware of such a possibility but that doesn't mean he can force me to pull the plug on my sick wife", he spoke vehemently. "She is not just sick, Shaurya", she tried to put it as mild as possible, "she is hardly alive. If anything, you will be doing a favour on her".

Shaurya shook his head before gulping his drink. Archie had expected nothing else from him. Mehek was his obsession. It was impossible to even let him consider the thought of putting her away. "You need to live your life, Shaurya", she kept her palm on his cheeks softly, "your days are withering off with her". "I am okay, Archie", he spoke firmly. Clearly he was not keen to proceed with their talk.

Archie knew Shaurya will never leave his wife, however bleak her chances of her recovery is. His strange affliction to his wife remains as a riddle to her. Being a loyal loving husband, he is expected to take good care of  his ailing spouse. But five years is a long time. She never saw him wavering from his duty. Infact, she noticed that he grew more attached to Mehek. Even when he knew she will not recover, he gave her best treatment to keep her merely alive. He spends lot of money and time to keep her breathing. It was clear to Archie that he will never cease his efforts many more years, not until Mehek meets her demise.

Shaurya is a good man. Any woman will be happy to have him. Archie knew they were not committed. All they have is just physical attraction and perhaps bleak friendship. When she met him, he had amazed her with his commitment to Mehek. Soon her admiration gave way to companionship. They started to meet often, conversing about topics other than Mehek or her treatment. Slowly they became comfortable being friends.

 It was merely an accident when they ended up in bed. Both were intoxicated and tired while trying to get in terms with complications in their life. But guilt never rooted in their minds even though it was a mistake. When they realised they could aid one another to cope, both simply agreed to see how long it will last. Rules were set to void any breach of personal space. She was getting over a bad marriage while Shaurya seemed to an absolute recluse. Over the time, she knew him better,  respecting him more. If he wanted to pursue her beyond their current arrangement, she would have easily given in. But she already knew, she had no chance.

"Have you thought about marriage?", Archie genuinely wished him well even it means she loses him to another woman. "I am married, Doctor", Shaurya chuckled as if dismissing a joke, "My wife is still alive. Have you forgotten about your patient?". "Shaurya, you need a companion. Not just someone who is breathing with machines", she tried to prove her point. "I have you", he tried to be charming. "It's not the same", she spoke sadly, "you know it will be better if you have a partner in your life". 

Shaurya started to feel irritated as she had put him on hot seat. First Nehal, now Archie. All suddenly seemed to be so interested to find solution for his loneliness. Before he  could dash out in anger, she explained him, "I know my boundaries and have no say in your life. Yet I want to tell you as a friend. You may love your wife ardently. But she is just a shell without any life. You on the other hand is alive yet not living. Free yourself so that in the least you can live your life". "Archie, I don't want to talk about it", he just wanted to leave.

"Shaurya", Archie cupped his face lovingly. She would have given the world to him if he chose her. Even after knowing that she can never be the one for him, she wanted him to do well. He should laugh or cry, live every moment of his life while feeling emotions. She wished that he will find someone to entrust his heart. "Archie please", he pried out her hands from his face. He walked towards the door, while she hugged him from behind,"please don't be mad.I want you to be happy". 'I know", he removed her hands from him, "I will call you". "Don't make me wait so long", she spoke timidly. He bid farewell with a soft smile, hiding an unsaid promise to meet her soon.

While Shaurya drove away, Archie felt unfair anger on Mehek. Although she was an unfortunate patient, Archie thought whether things would have been different if Mehek was dead. Shaurya undying devotion to Mehek was making her unreasonably jealousy. She felt bad to envy a woman who was nothing but a lifeless body.

Shaurya laughed wickedly as he drove away from Archie's house. He was able to keep himself detached even from her. Even Archie adores his image of devotional husband who will do anything for his wife. He had built his walls so high and thick that not even she could see through him. He can never trust another woman, not anymore. Archie misunderstands his revenge to be commitment. 

Archie manages to stir desire in him but his heart was unaffected. None could revive him to love. Yet her words had made him restless. Should he take a break from tormenting Mehek? Is he wasting his life beside Mehek? He shook away his doubts. Sadly, he couldn't see another way out. He was stuck with Mehek. His solace was in her suffering while being chained to her.

Shaurya couldn't wait to reach home and be beside Mehek. Tonight, he will narrate his lustrous deeds to Mehek. He will tell her every minute details, explaining the euphoria he experienced in another woman's arms. One who is none other than the efficient doctor treating her. She needs to think that he is living his life while she is stuck to medical bed. He had enjoyed his time with Archie but telling it all to Mehek will make it even more satisfying.  

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