18 Memories

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"You ended up again with your journal?", Nehal jabbed Mehek playfully. "Again?", Mehek was taken aback, "I just thought of taking Dr. Malhotra's advice. He proposed it may benefit me to keep a diary". Nehal smiled, "Then I must tell you that you always wrote diaries since you went to boarding school. Earlier they were mainly letters to your father", she smiled recalling, "you used to buy those cute ones with number locks". "Where are they?", Mehek was eager to know more. "They might be here somewhere", Nehal was baffled, "probably stuffed in the store rooms. The older ones will be in our farm house. You always used to lock them in your cupboard whenever we went there for our summer holidays".  "Why lock them up?", she felt silly.  "I don't know", she got Nehal thinking, "Perhaps you wanted to keep them safe ". 

Mehek was not much interested in her childhood days. So the locked up journals in farm house didn't hold much interest to her. She was eager to know about her recent past. The days when she was married to Shaurya. 

Later that day, Mehek asked Shaurya about her diaries. "I never knew you wrote journals", he was surprised still he couldn't deny Nehal's claim. He knew next to nothing about Mehek. She was always aloof.  Even being married, they never shared a room so there is a possibility. "Where are my stuffs kept, Shaurya?", she asked. "Your jewellery and other expensive stuffs are safely kept", he explained her, "Mostly other stuffs like cloths and all were given away", her face fell when he told her. "But we can ask someone to check for your journals", he suggested, "perhaps we will find them", he toyed her, "or not".

"Are you going somewhere?", Jeevan asked Shaurya. Dressed in casuals, he was ready to leave for his monthly visit to orphanage. Not many were aware of it but Jeevan being close to him knew about it. "Going to visit the kids", Shaurya spoke happily. Jeevan wished he could often see the same unblemished joy in Shaurya. "Why don't you take Mehek with you?", Jeevan suggested. 

The smile on Shaurya's face immediately dimmed. He knew Jeevan meant well but it irked to spend time with Mehek, especially while he visits orphanage. "Shaurya", Jeevan kept his hand on his shoulder, "it will be good  because spending some quiet time with one another is needed for both of you". While Shaurya stood indecisive, Jeevan added, "If at any time, you feel it was a bad idea then you send Mehek back. But atleast give it a try". Shaurya realised that refuting Jeevan will not be a wise move. Perhaps he can ask driver to take her back after they reach orphanage. It is better to get rid of her later than instant refusal.

"Thanks for letting me accompany you", Mehek beamed with joy when Shaurya wheeled her into the orphanage. He deliberately didn't take her nurse. A trick hidden in his sleeves, to swiftly get rid of Mehek. He smirked, expecting her to get uncomfortable as soon as they are inside the orphanage. "This is a pleasant surprise", Mother Superior welcomed him happily, she turned to Mehek and enquired him, "And who is this beautiful lady?". 

Mehek blushed while waiting for Shaurya to introduce her. "She is..", he reluctantly spoke, "my wife". "Mrs.Khanna!1", the elderly nun exclaimed. She was so happy to meet his better half, "I am so happy to meet you, Mrs Khanna". "Please call me, Mehek", she spoke politely. "Kids will be excited to meet you both", Mother was about take them into the dormitory but Shaurya stopped her, "Perhaps, later, Mother. As you can see, Mehek is not well enough so it's better we talk in your office".

Mehek dipped her head in embarrassment. Once again, she felt ashamed being an invalid. "She will be refreshed after having a cup of tea", elderly woman consoled her as soon as she sensed her uneasiness, "I am sure then she will be active enough to play with the kids". Mehek nodded excitedly while Shaurya tried hard not to roll his eyes. They all went to the office, waiting for refreshments. Mother found Mehek to be a pleasant women. It made her wonder Shaurya's attitude towards his wife. Still she brushed it aside as his overly concern for wife. 

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