14 Tit & Tat

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"How is it?", Mehek asked eagerly after serving the dish for Shaurya. She had tried to prepare a simple but tasty breakfast for him. Kanta visibly disapproved her idea of entering kitchen with the nurse.  She had vehemently opposed Mehek to cook breakfast. When Mehek didn't give up, Kanta furiously left, thereby refrained from aiding her. 

The kitchen staff and Mehek's nurse had stood beside, while she prepared the simple recipe. She had heard that Shaurya always used to bring breakfast to her room whenever he had time.  It seemed like he was tying to enjoy breakfast with her even when she was in coma. So today, in return she wanted to prepare breakfast to make him feel special. Indeed, he was surprised when she served him food she had prepared. 

"It's pathetic", Shaurya retorted at Mehek after taking a bite from his plate. His discreetly spit it into the napkin but was evidently angrily, "Mehek, why do you have to cook when we have hired professionals?". She was taken aback by his sudden outburst. "Shaurya, relax. Food is not that bad", Jeevan who was also at table tried to pacify him. "Let things be the way they are", he spoke angrily , "Stop spoiling my daily routine", Shaurya was not pacified, "God! how will my day be?". "I knew she would spoil his mood ", Kanta tried to add fuel to his anger, "so I asked cook to prepare your regular breakfast for you. I will ask them to serve it". "I am not hungry", he sprang from his seat, "my whole day is ruined", he walked away angrily.

"Mehek, please don't cry", Jeevan tried to console his niece who was now a sobbing mess, "he is worried about you". She sniffed, failing to control her tears. "Food is delicious. But he doesn't want you to exert in kitchen and fall sick", he tried to reason. "I understand, Uncle", she wiped her tears. Jeevan signalled nurse to take Mehek to her room. When he turned, he found Kanta munching on the food Mehek had prepared, "It is bearable. Not as bad as I thought it will be",she was puzzled, "I wonder why he got so angry". Jeevan too had same question in his mind but didn't voice it out. He expected Shaurya to be loving and caring towards Mehek once she woke up. Yet somehow Shaurya was getting triggered easily even for simpler reasons.

"Chef Mehek has cooked today", twelve year old Mehek announced as soon as Balwant and Shaurya walked to the dining room. Wrapped in a pink apron, she was enthusiastic to serve her dishes to them. Fifteen year old Shaurya had just started to live with them. He was still getting used Sharma family while Balwant and young Mehek has been really nice to him. "I learned in our school. Please have it", she served omelet to Shaurya and her father. "How is it?", she asked both if them. 

"Delicious", Balwant was first one to praise her. Mehek was so happy that she swiftly turned eagerly to Shaurya. He too nodded his head and spoke feebly, "It's good". "Yipee!", she jumped in happiness, "I will bring more". As soon as she was out of sight, both of them spit it out. "Too salty", Shaurya wailed. "Not to mention the burnt part.I can't have it", Balwant agreed as he poured water for him. "Tell Mehek that I left because I was getting late for my extra classes", Shaurya quickly wiped his mouth, being desperate to escape. He got up to leave but his uncle held his wrist. "If you leave, she will make me eat it all. You have to stay ", he was alarmed, "please help me". "Sorry Uncle", Shaurya shook his head in sorrow, "Her food is non- edible. It's pure torture for my guts".

"What did you say?", a furious Mehek who had heard the comment, marched to Shaurya, "how dare you insult my cooking?". "How can you make fun of her cooking, Shaurya?", Balwant acted innocent, "can't you see how much effort my girl has put into to make these tasty dishes?". Shaurya gulped as he knew his uncle was playing safe. Mehek was miffed, "One day when I become renowned chef, you will standing in queue to taste my food". Balwant chuckled at her childishness. "As a punishment, you have you eat everything", she gave her verdict before pushing all the food on his plate. "I will eat everything you cook when you become a young woman", Shaurya acted to sit down which made her smile. However he sprang out of his seat as soon her attention was elsewhere. He dashed out after shouting, "but not today". Mehek chased after him unsuccessfully while Balwant laughed out loud.

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