24. Dawn

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"Shaurya", Mehek whimpered as she slowly gained conscious. "I am here, Mehek", he was beside her bed and quickly grabbed her hand. She has been unconscious for several hours while being treated in intensive care unit. He quickly pressed the button to call for help. Her doctor had already informed him that she is in critical condition. According to Dr. Malhotra,  after she woke from coma, her life so far was not short of a miracle. He didn't attempt  to give him reassurance that Mehek will be recover. "Don't worry. Dr. Malhotra told that you are going to be okay", he lied. She seemed to have believed his words yet acted uneasy.

"Don't cling to me like you did in past", Mehek spoke determinedly, "this time let me go and I want you to move on". Regardless of his resolution, tears betrayed him. "You will make it this time too", he tried to give her courage but in truth he was consoling himself. "Perhaps", she sighed as if she knew, "perhaps not. But I want you know that I am at peace. My wish is to see you happy. It is fulfilled so I don't mind leaving". 

"Don't stress yourself", Shaurya wiped away his tears, "you need to rest". His attempts to shush Mehek was futile. She was determined to speak her mind, "I was never supposed to make it last time. Few days of life were indeed a boon. Apparently, I was given extra time to make amends", her words made him wonder whether she her memory was intact. However he refrained to ask something which may cause her more pain. "I would have left the world bearing weight of my shortcomings, being deemed as a bad person. Atleast I could rectify some. My burden of guilt is lessened when I think about you", she asked him emotionally, "Will you remember me fondly? At the minimum, I believe my final days were passable", her words were strained. "Ofcourse, Mehek", he kissed her forehead while crying, "past few days with you were best days of my life"

"Please don't cry, Shaurya", Mehek wiped his tears and kissed his cheeks, "Remember your promise. Don't let bitterness crawl into you. Even if I am no longer with you, you will live a fulfilling life. Only your happiness will give me peace. Just remember me as a good friend". He remained stoic unable to come in terms with her death but when she insisted, he nodded in agreement. "I wish we see each other in another life", she spoke wishfully, "in better circumstances where we will meet, fall in love and grow older together. Have a happy long life". "Me too", he wished the same.

Nurse has already arrived with duty doctor. They checked Mehek before administrating medicines. "I feel sleepy", she told him while her eyes drooped. "Sleep", he advised while covering her properly. "Will you be here with me?", she asked earnestly. She wanted to be beside him while treading closer to death. He held her hand closely, "I will be". She looked onto him until she succumbed to sleep.


"Your wife?", a little girl asked Shaurya as he stood before the beautiful portrait of Mehek. He smiled at her innocent curiosity before nodding. "Mehek", she read her name written below the frame, "so the orphanage and school are named after her". While he silently concurred to her words, she spoke again, "I am sorry for your loss. She seems to be a nice person. I believe she is in a better place. Our prayers are with her". He sighed as the little girl ran away after admiring Mehek's portrait. He kept a bouquet of flowers beside the portrait.

Mehek demise left him by oneself. But he was no longer the bitter man who sought vengeance without caring about the destruction it brought along. His wounds were severe. However she managed to heal him. Scars may have left their mark but they no longer pained him. He knew the marks will also eventually fade. She was not a sore reminder of past but a beautiful part of his life, prompting him to live well and do good.

She loved children. Her heart went out for all those kids who were abandoned. She may have tried to find solace helping them, an attempt to sooth her burns of forsaken childhood. Shaurya tried to keep her attempts alive. He diligently tried to help needy children, giving them shelter and education. He believed their well wishes will make her soul happier.

Without Mehek, Sharma mansion was no longer his home.So Shaurya left it in care of Jeevan and Kanta. Afterall they were rightful owners left in the family. He provided them enough wealth so that they can live their life happily without anxiety of future. He protected Nehal long enough so she could marry the man she chose for herself. He ensured not another daughter from Sharma family will be forced to a loveless marriage. He wanted him and Mehek to be the last victims of such a sad arrangement.

Archie flew back from abroad once she heard about Mehek's death. She tearfully confessed about the drug she had used on Mehek. He was unable to forgive her but decided not to press charges against her. He had wasted enough time in meaningless vengeance. Moreover he comforted himself that Archie's vicious attempt may have jolted Mehek back to life. Even if it was for a short span of time, she left enough memories for him to cherish. If not, he would have spent an entire life time, retaliating to a comatose body being blinded by revenge. He warned Archie never to appear in front him else he will not be responsible for the consequences.

He was alone but not lonely. A reason for he didn't actively seek company but he knew eventually he will meet someone. Till then he will be happy managing his career and life, along with good deeds to help others. He knew his loved ones are watching over him, always wishing him to be joyous. Mehek, Balwant Uncle and his mother; they all were no longer residing in the world of living yet they will lead him to his sunny destination.

"May be I will meet Mehek again. Another life, in a better time", Shaurya mused cheerfully, "We will fall in love and grow older together. Have a happy long life", he repeated Mehek's wish. He took a deep breath before talking to himself, "Well that will be another story. A sweet love story of Mehek and Shaurya".


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