5. Brutal

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"You are good with children", Mother Superior of the orphanage praised Shaurya. When he shook his head, unwilling to accept the compliment, she added,  "Thanks to people like you, we are able to provide them a better space to bloom". He was among few who not only gave surplus funds but also spent ample time with kids. He smiled looking at the cheerful children, "It is so easy to get along with them. They are little angels". "Yet they were abandoned here", she spoke sorrowfully. Shaurya looked away hiding his sadness, "I believe those people have had their reasons". He tried hard to hide his pain from the elderly nun.

Shaurya still remembers the day his mother had left him under Balwant Uncle's care. He was a distant relative of his mother but trustworthy enough to entrust her son. While saying farewell, she hugged him tightly before kissing his forehead. She blessed him abundantly, urging him to be a good boy. She didn't make any promises of returning back. She was running away from his father's ill deeds while knowing that death awaited at the destination. All she could manage was to keep her son safe from a villainous legacy. 

His father's people would have put him through the same path of crime if not for his mother. She risked her life by escaping only to protect her son. Many have judged her as a poor mother who had forsaken her child but for Shaurya she is a Hero. Despite being a vile man's seed, she chose to give birth to him. Amidst chaos in her life, she did her best to protect and nurture him. Unlike many who didn't even give a chance to their children.

***********It's been a couple of months since Balwant Sharma passed away. Sharma household was absolutely devastated . Mehek was not an exception. Despite their quarrels, she loved her father and his loss was a huge blow to her. Her behaviour got mellow down. She seldom spoke and rarely went outside. She remained cooped in her room, drowning her sorrow in tears. She avoided Shaurya as much as possible. 

Shaurya too preferred to stay away from her. He got himself busy in work. He promised himself never to lose the legacy which his uncle has entrusted him. Balwant has already given him freedom to make a choice about his marriage. He no longer wanted to be tied to an unwilling partner. He decided to free themselves whenever she demands for a divorce. But he will not give up his control over Sharma empire. He was not greedy but loyal. Just like his Uncle's last wish, he will neither abandon the spoiled brat daughter of Balwant Sharma. He has to remain in charge else Mehek will never have an abode when she losses everything. He will remain the trusted guardian  of her for sake of Balwant Uncle.

Mehek was still in touch with her lover , making it clear that she has no intention to give her marriage a chance. They had nothing to salvage in their non existing relationship. Shaurya had expected her to storm in, demanding divorce but she never came. Perhaps, she was too afraid to lose her inheritance that  she chose to put up with him. From his point of view, she was wasting her life in greed. He planned to  given her freedom along with an ample allowance. It would have been enough for her to live life in comfort. Eventually when time comes in her favour, she will be given her legacy. However she was oblivious of his intentions and he was not particularly forthcoming.

 With time, all would have adjusted to the mundane routine. Sadly they all were unaware of the storm that was heading their way that could shatter the made up peace residing in Sharma Mansion. It hit Shaurya hard when a recent hospital visit of Mehek came to his notice.

Mehek walked into her home being tired. It was late evening but mansion seemed to have resigned. She poured a glass of water and she sat down the dining table. While gulping down contents of glass, lights were abruptly turned on. She was startled, spitting the water. "What the...", she was about to curse but held her tongue as she realised it was Shaurya. She wiped her mouth , "you scared me". "Where were you, Mehek?", it was hard to ignore his anger. She would have blasted him for questioning her. However, considering their current situation and her tiredness, she didn't want to put up a fight. "I was out with a friend", she replied.

"Whenever I think, you can't fall any lower, you prove me wrong", Shauray snapped at her angrily, while she remained puzzled, "It didn't take' few minutes to pull out your reports from that dingy clinic, Mehek". Her eyes widened in shock but soon she snarled back, "Are you stalking me? How dare you". Before she could spew venomous at him, he roared, "ENOUGH". She cowered, taken aback by unfamiliar outburst from him. "You could have just walked out of this petty arrangement of marriage but you chose to kill an innocent. You were so selfish to lose your wealth that you went ahead for an abortion. How could you, Mehek? Do you even have any humanity left in you?". She tried to speak however words failed her. "Till now I never interfered in your life but today I want to know from you and Azaan", he gestured everything around him, "Does it all matter more than your own child?".

Mehek stood still gulping down in apprehension. She had never seen Shaurya so furious. She was unprepared to tackle  an emotional explosion from a meek man like him. It was least expected yet lethal. Before she could respond, he grabbed her phone, "Wait, I will ask Azaan directly. You both are equally answerable for the kill" . "Don't", she grabbed handset from him, "Azaan doesn't know anything", she spoke abruptly. His anger doubled when realised the Azaan was kept in dark while she took the drastic step. "Then he deserves to know the truth", he was decisive, "he need to know that he is involved with a witch who doesn't even care about his child". "Shaurya stop it", Mehek raised her voice, trying her best to stop him. "he needs to know", he screamed back at her. "No, he doesn't because he is not responsible", she blurted out in panic.

Shaurya was shocked beyond limits while Mehek realised her blunder. "You got it all wrong. Please calm down and let me explain",  she tried but he showed her his palm, stalling her efforts. "Your father was a great man, Mehek. But today I wonder how he failed to raise his daughter", he gestured towards himself, "he made a good man out of the vicious genes from my father", then he lifted his forefinger on her, "but got an immoral daughter from his own blood". "Stop it. You are crossing your limit", she yelled while tears adorned her face but couldn't silence him. "I wouldn't ask you leave this house. But you lost all your rights to reside in this home, Mehek. A home build by a good man for his family. If you have any integrity left in you, you would leave", he spoke firmly.

Even when Mehek knew that Shaurya has no right to banish her from her own mansion, she didn't refute. She was already suffocating amidst her so-called family. She was surrounded by vindictive people who considered her a taint in their honour. She need to be free from their judgemental eyes . So in response to his rebuttal,  she submissively nodded while wiping her tears. She walked away leaving him alone but as she reached the few steps away, he spoke, "You will get divorce papers soon". She didn't respond apart from a soft nod. He didn't stop her when she left.*********

That night Mehek met with the fatal accident, putting her in comma. Till day Shaurya didn't feel an ounce of guilt that he didn't stop Mehek. Only regret he has was that he failed to divorce her, severing the weak thread that still holds them together. He never cared to probe on what happened between Mehek and Azaan that night. Perhaps she came clean before him or acted as if nothing happened while running into his arms. Either ways, fate was not merciful on them.

Mehek's fate was sealed when she took the absolute wrong path while being aware of the consequences. She was no longer the Mehek Sharma he once knew but a selfish woman who chose herself over anything and everything. Perhaps death was an easy exit for her so destiny granted her a vicious punishment. 

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