8. Wrong Measure

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"Tell me you are joking", Archie was shocked after hearing her friend slash colleague.

Dr. Sameer Shah whom she often addressed as Sam, is a young but skilled professional from whom she least expected such an ask. "If you disagree then lets part pretending that I joked", Sameer spoke nonchalantly but his eyes spoke volumes. He was dead serious.

Archie and Sam were good friends who got along well since long. Yet it was ridiculous to face his preposterous plan. Sameer was in dire need of finances when he signed in with the team. Perhaps he thought it may not last long. Like many, he had expected a quick end with one of the outcomes; either Mrs. Khanna will meet her end or Mr Khanna will accept the fate and give up on his wife. But none so far occurred. He was now stuck in a ridiculous contract while tempting opportunities waited for him abroad. The job pays well even more than enough but it failed to ignite interest and in case of Sameer it was hindering his future.

"However I would love to hear your reason of rejection", Sameer was in no mood to leave Archie. She shook her head in dismay. Evenif she is involved with Shaurya and personally wanted to get rid of Mehek, she cannot risk her career. Not to forget a possible future in prison. "She is a vegetable. Soon she will be a rotten one. If things don't work out as we expect, atleast we are giving her a neat escape", he tried to persuade her. "Why don't you try to convince, Mr. Khanna? If he agrees with the risk, then we can go ahead", she tried to be professional although she knew the outcome. Shaurya will never even try anything that has remote possibility to harm his wife.

"We both know, he will not agree. He has lost his sense when she fell into coma. He may not mind wasting his time & money on her but I do", Sameer huffed. "Then talk to him. Perhaps he will agree to let you go", Archie reasoned. "I cannot afford to break the contract from my end", he spoke dubiously, "Neither can I get fired. Both ways, I have to pay a hefty sum. Damn! I cannot be caged for years treating a hopeless patient". He was too frustrated being employed to treat Mehek. 

Sameer didn't have enough resources to pursue his dreams on his own. He needed money and good references. Archie understood him but it was too risky to help him, "I am sorry, Sam. I understand your situation but I cannot help you. It is unethical". She was even scared to mention his plan was illegal. When she stood up, he taunted her, "Unethical ? Where were your ethics, while sleeping with your patient's husband?". She was frozen, trying to digest that her low-key affair is not enough covered under wraps. 

Sameer pulled Archie back to her seat and moved closer to speak softly, "I have no intention to harm you. But if you don't help me, I will be forced to spill your secrets". "Are you blackmailing me, Sam?", she was aghast. He sighed and shook his head, "I am requesting, Archie. It's a win-win for all of us. We all will be compensated and free if Mrs. Khanna is cured". "Or Dead", Archie spoke firmly. "If she is dead then it is more beneficial for you, isn't it?", he mocked her but soon he became serious, "let's think positive and consider that she will wake up".

"Shaurya will know for sure", Archie mumbled when Sameer explained his plan, "If she wakes up or sleeps for eternity, either ways, he will find out". Sameer tried to persuade her, "He will not, Archie. If she recovers, he will be so happy to even notice". " And if she dies, then I will be first suspect", she countered. "In time, perhaps he may suspect. But he won't be able to prove anything", he explained, "I will get the drug and ensure it won't be traced back to us. You don't even have to administrate the drug into her. As usual, one of the juniors or nurse will inject into her. Just turn a blind eye when you come across the vial". Her foot was shaking involuntarily owing to nervousness. He placed his palm over her knee to comfort her, "No one else in the team will notice. Neither will Mr. Khanna". 

"Why me?", Archie asked when her eyes shone with tears of anger. She knew that her affair with Shaurya has made her the target. However she wanted to know. "Because I need a professional expert. And you are smart enough to catch if the same is done by anyone else in the team", Sameer replied firmly, "Above all, deep down you will be happy to comply". His constant reminder of her affair irked her. "I am not happy", she spewed, "you are forcing me using your leverage". He sighed, "I am not the bad guy, Archie. Once the fear and guilt fade away, you will thank me".

As Sameer walked away, Archie was left to her own thoughts. Perhaps she will be over the fear, but not the guilt. Regret of being involved with a perfect man who belongs to another woman. A man who cares for her but she will never be above his wife. She cannot blame Shaurya for taking advantage of her because she walked into their amorous arrangement with open eyes. Mayhap even pulled him into it. She isn't any different from Sameer. Just like him, she too had expected Mehek to fade away soon. Apart from heartache, she didn't gain anything. Perhaps few good f*cks. But she is desirable enough to have s*x that from other willing handsome single men who may offer more. 

Why did she want Shaurya? Is he worth it?  Archie questioned herself. Her stupid heart will always give an affirmative answer. But she is forced to overlook her emotions. Till now only her heart and pride was bruised but today even her career is risked. She realised that their discreet affair has slowly started to threaten the balance in her life.

"Good Evening, Doctor", Shaurya addressed Archie formally as she walked into his cabin. His secretary who had led her in, took his leave after gesturing respectfully to both of them. "I am a bit surprise by your visit", he tried to keep cool yet she could detect his anxiety, "Hope all okay?". "I am fine, Shaurya", she was happy to feel his care. But his quick question dampened her mood, "I meant is everything okay with Mehek?". She was hurt nevertheless she tried to cover it. "Nothing to worry, Shaurya. This is a personal call. I just want to talk about us", she didn't beat around the bush.

"I don't think we should meet anymore, Shaurya", Archie spoke quickly while he handed her a cup of tea, "It is better if we break up". She took cup from him and acted to twirl the spoon but her attention was completely on him. Still apart from a curt nod he didn't react. She gave him few more minutes while they sat in silence, sipping their tea. Minutes slipped away. "Don't you have anything to say?", she asked being impatient. "How can I, Archie?", he was honest, "Our relationship was destined to end from the day one. It was just matter of time when one of us decided to call it quits. I am happy that we are parting amicably". 

Archie was aware of the truth of their relationship but his words hit her hard. She tried her best not to burst out into tears before Shaurya. As if sensing her turmoil, he handed over his handkerchief. She quickly dabbed her eyes with it. "I am sorry, Archie. It was selfish of me to drag you into my mess", he apologised, "you deserve better". She gave a smile eventhough her eyes were brimming with tears.

"I am planning to settle abroad so will be leaving the team", Archie informed him. "Please Archie, don't say it. You are one of best doctors in the team. You don't have to resign to avoid me. I will never cause you trouble", Shaurya was disappointed. It hurt her that he still wanted her expertise to treat his wife while being fine to break up with her. It pained her. However she didn't expect anything less from Shaurya. He was a man obsessed with his wife. It has chained him to her sick bed. He will not be released unless she is cured or dead. 

"Don't worry. I will find a suitable replacement before leaving", Archie tried to convince Shaurya. "But Mehek needs you", he wailed. Tell me, you need me and I will stay, she wished to say but failed. "Please understand, Shaurya", she reasoned and thankfully he didn't persuade her further. "And don't sue me with contract", she joked. "Never, Archie", he held hand and pecked on it. She was touched that he didn't shy away from showing affection even while being in his office, "you are a good friend. I wish you all the best".

"I will miss you", despite her resolution, Archie told Shaurya the truth and embraced him. He didn't reply but wrapped his hands around her. It was enough for her, rather than hollow words. Besides, she always expected honestly from him even if it was brutal. So his next words were least expected, "I wish we had met in better circumstances". She quickly pulled out to read his eyes. But apart from sincerity she couldn't find anything. "Bye Archie", he moved back letting her walk away. She didn't stop or turn back. With determined steps, she walked away to get as far as possible from him.

Once Archie sat in her car and drove away. After covering enough distance, she called Sameer. Without waiting for him to speak, she told him haste, "Let's do it, Sam". 

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