Chapter 2

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If you don't examine your fears, they will control you for the

rest of your life. Sometimes you have to be brave and wild, and just say

"fuck it; I trust myself; let's see what happens..."


Everrose High school is a prestigious school where all students are encouraged to do their ultimate best and complete their tasks to their full potential.

While its halls are decorated in perfect beige and cream with all sorts of small designs, and the lockers are decorated in blue and purple with minutiae of students' own cooperation of glitter and glams, Everrose High never fails to assist their students to succeed.

It was a school where mainly the rich gathered and muck around living their youth while gaining the momentum to balance their personal life with schoolwork.

Right now, sat all the students in class 1A of senior students. Students in chemistry.

"Hi, I'm Myles Averill. I look forward to studying with you all this year." The new student introduces himself in front of the whole class.

He was dressed perfectly with no blemish to his uniform.

"You can sit next to Tyler." Ms. Marianna gestured, "Behind Carla."

He nods as he makes his way through. Girls' started quietly exchanging comments and talking about the new boy already. He was the pure definition of a Greek god. Tall and lean height, gold eyes like the sunset. Well he had the kind of face that stopped you in your tracks. He was used to that, the sudden pause in a person's natural expression when they looked his way followed by a nonchalant gaze and a weak smile. Of course the blush that accompanied it was a dead give-away. It didn't help that he was so modest with it, it made the girls fall for him all the more.

It was obvious at first glance, second glance even more. And it is obvious that the one thing Everrose High fails to do is prevent whispers during class when it comes to gossip. It's one true flaw.

"Well, how do you do?" One of the boys in the classroom salutes.

"Liam Dempsey?" Myles smirks, "Charming to meet you."

"It really isn't," Carla comments unnecessarily without turning around to greet her new classmate. She had a book open in front of her. 

Myles' eyes widened; he smiles. "Someone warned me that I'd have extreme unluckiness if I were in the same class with one of them."

"And yet you're talking to him, Mr. What's his name." Tyler sighs as she types up a story she's been working on for a while on her laptop.

"You're in the same class as them both." Carla finally turns around and her eyes almost widen in surprise when her eyes meet the amber-eyed boy, looking straight at her. No weak smile, but the cheeks of her face slowly turning pink. She regains her cool. "Rhyse sits at the front."

They all look to the front, and two were already arguing as usual.

"No, I already stayed yesterday to clean up," Leia complains.

"Well, if you did then it would be clean, wouldn't it?" Rhyse argues. "There's fucking rubbish everywhere!"

"Well, Mr. OCD why don't you just do my days too?!" She raises her voice at him.

"I'm not doing that. No." He adamantly refuses, crossing his arms over his chest as he spins in his chair, looking away from her.

"Then stop complaining." She rolls her eyes.

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