Chapter 6

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Murder is like potato chips;
You can't stop with just one...

-Stephen King

"The letter said the library? Why did you let Liam keep the paper with him?" Carla asks as she searches the fifth shelf for the key or whatever.

"It would be suspicious. I told them I didn't tell you anything about the letters and that mysteriously crazy guy behind these missions." Myles says as he remains so focused on looking for the key.

"I found something." Carla discovers a small photo. And her eyes widen. She drops the paper and starts looking harder for more.

Myles' confused rushes to pick up the photo and he's too surprised. He's shocked. Devastated. He could not believe his eyes when realisation captivates him. "It's the south bank." He mumbles, turning the picture for a non-existant secret note, "I know where this is."

"How?" Carla stops and hesitates to look at the photo, but then she slowly leans next to Myles, and he steps back reflexively. His heart was beating fast, and he thought... her scent was beautiful...that impression imprinted on his soul. 

He sighs to himself and steps back close to her and covers the disturbing part of the photo. "We go on resorts as a family, and that looks like it's Rhyse's yacht."

"You know what Rhyse's yacht looks like?"

"Liam and I met up there once because apparently, we thought it was a safe place to discuss this. But... guess not, considering this happened right next to his yacht."

"Do you think the body's discovered yet?"

"I'm sure it is." He exhales and pushes the photo into his pocket. He looks up at the shelf, wondering how he will ever find the key-

He looks perplexed as he jumps high to snatch a familia yellow note. His eyes desperately trace the words on the note.

'I knew it, Liam wouldn't come. You two decided to come instead, Carla and Myles? Haha, there is no key. I'm not leaving it here after knowing how you two thought I'd be so stupid. How deceitful as friends, you fooled your own... The deed has been done. Both of them.'

Both of them mirror each others frantic expression. "That person was here WHILE we were here," Carla yells.

"That means that it was a student. We need to check the CCTV footage." Myles suggests in a bit of a panic.

"They won't let us. We need to sneak in somehow." Carla says with frustration, running her fingers through her hair, grabbing fists of it. "We need to-"

"This boy that died, there must be an accomplice then. That means that boy died right now too..." Myles says like his soul left his body. "I-I'm going to get an early leave!" He calls as he begins running.

"I'm coming Myles!" Carla calls out, running after him.

He stops and waits for her to catch up, and they hear a bunch of 'shh's' from the library. They stand outside.

"Are you sure?" Myles asks Carla.

"Hell yeah, we promised to do this together. I'm not letting you do it on your own."

"Together?" He tilts his head with a small smile. 

"Together" Calra reassures. 

He smiles, "We'll take my car then." 

"I'll drive then." Carla winks. 



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