Part 2: Chapter 13

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Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality...



 "Wait up dude!" Liam tries to run after Rhyse as they both run out of the cafeteria with their food in their hands, charging down the halls to the field for lunch. "RHYSE YOU FUCKING-"

But when he drifts into a sharp turn to take the short cut he bumps into someone's body so aggressively like he was shoulder tackling someone on the football field.

The body was strong enough that they weren't thrown all the way across onto the lockers. They just fell onto the ground and all their things fell everywhere.

Liam stops and immediately starts helping pack everything back up until he feels familiar glaring eyes at him.

He slowly looks up and sees Tyler's blue-grey angry eyes watching him with murder intent. Nope- maybe not murder intent, at this point in time it's too risky to utter the words 'murder' and 'kill' or anything else possibly associated with the topics.

She just looked really frustrated and angry. She sighs and sits properly from the position she was sitting in. She crosses her legs over each other and just waits on the floor for Liam to pick everything up.

"Aren't you going to help me?" He asks, glancing up at her for a moment with his own dark green eyes.

"No, I am letting you off this once." She says like she's sick and tired of constantly dealing with shit like Liam.

"By making me pack everything up?" He asks, trying to straighten all the papers and documents together.

"I should be giving you a card for running down the hall. Another card for tackling someone. And a punch personally for myself because you mixed up all those papers, and now they're not in order." She's on her knees now, taking the papers from Liam's hand.

"You couldn't staple them?"

"I was on my way to actually get staples."

"Oh... Guilty." He sighs. Then picks up his food, a sweet bagel decorated in something like red glaze or jam. He passes it to Tyler.

She was just about to walk off when she stops and starts. "What? Move your hand from-"

"A bagel."

"I don't eat anything really... Sweet like that. Especially flavoured and decorated."

His eyes widen, "Oh, hang on then." He bites onto the plastic packet of the bagel, holding it between his teeth as he quickly pulls off his thin and small black bag from his shoulders.

He struggles to unzip it and then fumbles to pull out another packet. He passes it to Tyler and throws his other bagel from his teeth into his bag.

"We ran out of chocolate and blueberry muffins, these are plain."

"I really said I'm good, thanks though." She smiles.

Liam's heart almost slips a beat with that smile for him... Even if it was a forced smile.

He stops her, "Have the muffin for lunch." He looks down at the booklets she's holding, "Revitalize yourself for those papers."

"Energize myself?"

"Yeah." He smiles with his eyes, "That."

She nods, "Put it here for me." She points with her eyes at the papers she's holding. He puts it there for her. "Thanks, Liam."

"You're welcome-" She already charged off down the halls and he's watching her as she rushed off away. "Tyler..."


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