Part 2: Chapter 17

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Sometimes we need childish fantasies to survive the reality...


She's back, they were all gathered together in the clubhouse. They were talking about something. And Leia remembers this very clearly. She was a few meters away from the others in the other room.

She followed Myles into the kitchen and thought it was her chance to tell Myles everything that had been happening.

"So?" He asks her, his eyes on her while the jug and empty glass were in his hands over the sink.

He looked just as she remembered. The future she just thought, was so bleak. It was so bleak and twisted because on one side was a couple, she never imagined being together, in a house full of Christmas decorations and mistletoes.

While on the other side, was a girl with a huge scar over her eyes and mouth, down her face and neck like she got burned and half her face chopped, very ugly and disgusting.

On that same side was another girl she loved so much and still loves, unconscious. Waking up to nothing but an empty room and two different men... She was confused and lost from what Leia was expecting. 

And on that very same side... were two lonely young men, who knew nothing about happiness, joy and fun. They were living corpses with hopeless souls trying to uncover a case that seemed to have risen to a great deal...

"What's this important information that you only want me to know?" He asks again, snapping her back to reality.

Shit. What am I gonna tell him now? Leia can't just tell him that she's from the future again.

She looks at his amber eyes, those eyes that seem so lively now compared to the unbearable horror she felt moments ago when she saw those dead eyes of a handsome man.

"Rhyse is going camping." She suddenly says. "If he asks one of you two to go with him, then go. You have to."

He laughs like she's being ridiculous. "Why would Rhyse invite me to a campout? And why's it related to you even?" He pours himself a glass and drinks it.

She sighs and rolls her eyes. But she smiles, she's happy she's back to where her youth is. "Because my family is inviting him for camping. I'm getting married to that man whore."

He chokes and starts coughing violently. He sets the glass down and starts punching his chest three times. He probably choked because he didn't want to spit all that wear out on Leia.

When he's gained composure, in a weak voice he asks, "WHAT?!" 

"You heard me." She laughs. He starts coughing a few times again, "Hey, are you okay?" Leia steps closer to him.

He waves a hand, "I'm alright." He stands up properly now, "But why do I have to go?"

He doesn't actually. He doesn't need to go at all. She just found a perfect way out of her little truth of revealing to him about her being from the future.

But it was another perfect way of getting her and Carla together. Maybe she doesn't realize it now, and nor did she in the future Leia, unfortunately, travelled to, but soon... she will fall for Myles if destiny allows it.

Maybe they can have a future together. Myles is a good guy. And Carla needs someone in her life besides girls and friends only. Carla's strong, but not that strong, every girl, even badass and cool ones... sometimes needs a shoulder to cry on.

Leia leans on her elbows on the island table behind her as she faces Myles. He knows she will talk to him more, so he crosses his arms over his chest and leans against the sink table, looking at her, waiting. 

"Myles." She looks up at the ceiling decorated with paintings of different sports.

"Yes, Leia?"

"Do you believe in fantasies?"

His eyes widen. She notices it and looks at him now. "I do."


He shrugs, "I'm not sure, I haven't really thought about it." He pauses, opens his mouth, and closes it. But then he opens it again, "Everything has magic in it, I guess. I don't know, nothing is by convenience or chance. The world revolves around reasons and sudden discoveries."

"What if that's just God writing everything down in our little books of life?"

"God has magic, doesn't he?"

"He does..." She answers, realize where he's headed at.

"He has magic. If that's magic, then so is this world."

"But then that's different from fantasies." Leia sighs in frustration. "Just don't believe in them Myles. It's ridiculous child's play."

He chuckles, "Why? They're basically the same thing. Magic and fantasies."

"So, you're now telling me you believe in Santa Claus as well?" She rhetorically asks.

"I do."

She notices that he's serious and she starts laughing. He does too.

"Matter of fact, I believe in Leprechaun's too."

"What are those?" 

He gasps sarcastically, "You don't believe in the pot of gold?"

"What pot of gold?"

"At the end of rainbows."

"You're making shit up now." Leia rolls her eyes. But Myles wasn't making anything up, it's a true famous myth, and he's devastated Leia has no clue about it.

"What are you two laughing about?" Carla asks as she walks into the kitchen with four slices of pizzas on a plastic plate. She smiles when she sees them. "You two would make a good couple."

Both their eyes widen, "We DO NOT!" Leia yells at her suddenly. She turns to Myles with confirmation, but she rolls her eyes when she realizes how embarrassed he is. "Oh, come on, Myles."

"As much as pretty Leia is... She's not my type." Myles finally says. "I have a different type."

"Just saying." Carla laughs.

"I don't like amber-eyed people and brown-haired people don't look nice standing next to me," Leia adds unnecessarily.

"And I don't like people who don't know what freaking Leprechauns' are." Myles snaps back a bit too fast.

"Anyways!" Carla suddenly starts before they argue with each other. "There's more of where this came from." She picks up the slices of pizza from that single plate and places it in their hands. The both of them look at Carla like she's insane. "This is my plate." She informs them.

She noticed one thing, that Liam and Myles are interconnected somehow. They're connected somehow. Before when they died by Tyler's hands. And this time, as partners who are uncovering a crime.

For Carla, there's something off about her, she's always alone, she's always in the distance. For what reason? Leia doesn't know.

Tyler... She's messed up, everything revolves around her and Rhyse. Tyler's just there for absolutely no reason at all. But Rhyse... Rhyse is either really happy or really depressed.

Whoever this person, thismurderer, this fucking killer is... They're spinning around Rhyse, and Leia wassure of that. 

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