Chapter 5

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"Death is the mother of beauty."
"And what is beauty?"
-The Secret History

It was another week and nothing weird happened. Nothing happened at all. It was awfully quiet.

Liam was walking alone down the halls of the corridor; he didn't feel like going to lunch practice to the football field. Not today, no.

He opens his locker, but then a huge yellow envelope falls out. He looks around and leans inside his locker as he picks it up and opens it. First, he pulls out a paper too familiar. It was the advertisement about Tyler Quaid. He forgot about it...

He punches a fist at the door of his opened locker and everyone around him goes quiet. He ignores them.

Fucking hell, I forgot those!

He scrunches the envelope in a fist and starts running down the corridor. He reaches the locker outside the classroom on his floor.

"Can you move for a minute, hun?" He impatiently asks the girl and without receiving a response he shoves them aside.

He jumps as high as he could, but he doesn't see the flyers.

He jumps again and looks right. Nothing.

He jumps once more and looks to the left... Nothing.

He runs his free hand through his hair and storms into class 1A. He slams the door shut behind him. He pulls out the other paper.

'Haha, if it isn't Dempsey. Who knew such a delinquent would be informed about such little plight? Why would Myles incriminate me like this? Guess... You three have failed the mission?'

Liam's brows furrow, thinking long and hard about what he just got.

No fucking way... There was a mission all this time? That letter last week must have been telling us to find out about 15th December... Liam thinks to himself.

He opens the door and leaves the classroom. He speeds down the halls and notices the trio standing outside Tyler's locker with a paper, they looked devastated and disappointed.

Liam prays it's not what he thinks it is and continues down the hall.

He needs to tell the others what's happening. He needs to ask them if they got a letter. Myles could be there with Rhyse at the football club, he said he was interested in clubbing in the Ethereals. That's what the football team is called.

A bunch of ethereals and messed up sports jock boys. 

"Wait, Carla, we're the only ones who know about the murder?" Tyler asks as she reads the scrapped and ripped-up paper with small writing imprinted on it

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

"Wait, Carla, we're the only ones who know about the murder?" Tyler asks as she reads the scrapped and ripped-up paper with small writing imprinted on it.

"I thought everyone knew about it." She says, "How the hell was I supposed to know I wasn't allowed to tell you guys?"

"Tyler... aren't you gonna do anything about this?" Leia holds up a paper designed so badly. It was some sort of advertisement.

Unraveling ShadowsΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα