Part 2: Chapter 16

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Sometimes you have to make a decision that will break your heart,

but will give peace to your soul...


What the hell is going on? And why is Leia even in another house?

And... Is that Rhyse and Tyler?! Leia uses every strength she has not to make a sound of shock. That's the most ugliest and nastiest and oddest and weirdest couple duo you can ever possibly find.

He spins Tyler around when she finally walks into the kitchen with dimmed lights. He wraps his big hands around Tyler's waist and holds her as their bodies sway and dance in the beat of the soft instrumental music.

"What did you make this time?" Tyler asks and for the wrongest reason she looks genuinely happy.

"I'm surprised you didn't go invisible on me this time." He laughs.

Invisible? Pretty lame of a tacky joke too, Leia thought. But she can't believe Tyler can turn invisible and Rhyse can heal. Maybe that's... That's what the footprints and footsteps explain that morning when Leia ran to save Tyler from the kill. Maybe it was her walking, but Leia couldn't see anything. She didn't want to be seen... So... what was Tyler really there for that she didn't want to be seen?

He lets go of her and holds out a chair for her to take a seat in front of a silver-coloured cover. He lifts it up slowly, "Caramel and espresso cheesecake douceur légère with golden flakes and a tinge of orange." He smiles at her, taking a seat opposite her.

She gasps a laugh awkwardly, "Well, wo-woah... That looks..."

He rolls his eyes, "Too creamy?"


"Too cheesecakey?"

"No, not that." She says as she slices a bite with her fork.

"Too decorated?"

"Appetizing." She elegantly puts it in her mouth.

He chuckles, "That's the biggest lie you could say right in my face."

"I didn't say it tastes appetizing. It looks appetizing." She corrects him, pointing at him with another slice of the cheesecake on the fork.

He leans in and takes a bite. Leia cringes. She slowly retreats into the darkness. "It tastes perfect to me." Rhyse comments.

"I like the orange flavour though." She hears Tyler say.

She navigates her way through the halls, tiptoeing so quietly she never knew she had such talent. What was Leia doing here? The future changed again? How and why?

She must have done something that Tyler's not in jail. But she's with Rhyse of all people? How did that even happen?! It doesn't make sense.

She opens the door to what looks like the exit. And when there's that loud click, she hears silence. They heard her.

"I'll go check. Stay here." She finally hears Rhyse's voice.

Her eyes widen and her lips squeeze tightly as she opens the door properly, sliding out and running down the halls she doesn't even recognise.

She finds an elevator immediately and clicks the down button.

"Who's there?!" She hears a yell.

She violently presses the button again and again. It finally opens. She rushes inside and she hears the sound of shoes coming closer and closer.

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