Chapter 3

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There are friendships imprinted in our hearts,
that will never be diminished by time and distance...


Yep, they both ended up staying back after school to clean properly.

"You really shouldn't have ditched your one and only friend like that. A poor dear friend of yours is doing all the hall cleaning on his own." Leia tells him, throwing a roll of rubbish paper on Rhyse's head.

He rubs his head, grabs the rubbish, and glares at Leia. "You fucking-"

"Call me a bitch and I'll report you."

"With what evidence?" He scoffs.

Leia laughs hysterically under her breath while she pulls out her phone from her skirt pocket. "I started recording as soon as you were here alone with me."

"What?" He looked genuinely surprised. "Why the fuck would you do that? You think I'm going to rape you or something?" He cringes at what he just said.

"No...?" Leia sounds disgusted by his assumption. "I'm afraid you'll kill me."

He sighs agreeingly, and nods, "You're right, that makes more sense."

"Don't get your head up so high in the clouds. Obviously, I'll kill you first."

"Haha!" He laughs crazily, "With what? Those cat nails?!"

Leia looks offended, but she wasn't hurt. Honestly, Leia's a tiger if the teachers, her parents, or anyone dobs her for her nails. She throws the duster and pans aside, and it slams hard against the board. Rhyse's eyes widen from surprise, and he steps back.

"Yeah with these cat nails! What else?!" She yells at him.

"Well, look at you." He rolls his eyes, sitting on the table with the scrunched-up paper rubbish in his hand.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Rhyse?! What is your problem?!"

"I guess I wouldn't have any problems if you weren't recording our voices and our conversations." He argues.

"We'll It's for safety reasons, jerk. It's not like I want to."

"Yeah, you do."

She rolls her eyes because Rhyse was right. She wanted to get him in any trouble as much as she could. She hated him. He hated her. They hate each other. A perfect match.

And why did they hate each other?

They were in the same schools from elementary till high school together. They were sick of each other since the beginning.

Why? Because Rhyse pulled on Leia's gold hair because it was 'absurd'.

Why? Because Leia burned Rhyse's solar system project because it was 'stupid'.

But Leia's hair was never absurd. It was like a princess's hair.

But Rhyse's solar system project was never stupid. It was perfect.

They were only five. They were only five and hated each other ever since. Everyone says they're like bickering siblings. Leia and Rhyse would attack them like chihuahuas trying to bark like Bulldogs.

They were only fourteen. They were only fourteen and hated each other still. Everyone said they'd make the most perfect couple. Leia and Rhyse would create plotting against them. Offering them personally something they'd hate.

Rhyse would usually vandalize their lockers or throw fake love notes from their crushes in their lockers or even invite them over to a huge party which ended up being a strip club.

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