Chapter 7

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Life is not long enough to tolerate nonsense.
Whether it be love or forced into fake love. Cut out that drama...
Cut out all nonsense that makes your heart ache to its torturing endless core...
Love is never the only solution, nor is what we call 'fake love'...

-Carnation Bella 

Leia sat down in the lounge room of her parent's summer house. She was dressed formally and elegantly.

Her beautiful blonde hair was curled at the bottom, parts of her upper hair strands were tied back while the lower strands of her hair were draping down her back and shoulders. 

The floral pink organza dress that hugged her body suited her so perfectly there was no blemish even if you searched for one. She had a beauty that made those billboard-princesses look as paper thin as they are, she was something robust and real.

Her hands were in her lap as she patiently waited. She sat on the left end of the table close to the door exit. Whereas her father sat in the middle and her mother on the other side.

"You have your ring on, don't you, Leia?" Her mum asks nervously. 

"Yes, mum." She answers like her soul had no longer stayed in her body. As if it was struggling to stay where it had been destined to remain.

The maiden knocks on the door and nods her head. Leia's dad makes a gesture to let them in. He taps her to stand up and they all stand at the same time, Leia lagged with hesitance for a moment.

And she sees footsteps at the door. Black leather shoes, the kind that older men wear. Then came blue heels. The mother she assumed, not daring to look up from the wooden floors. 

And behind her... So slowly... Came another pair of shoes, the stylish rich boy type of leather shoes.

Leia nods her head as her eyes stay down and her hands were holding each other together at the front of her dress. She was trying so hard to stop herself from playing with the ring in her index finger.

"Welc-" Leia's weak and afraid voice starts, but she's disturbed by her father.

"Thank you for coming. Hope it didn't convenience you a lot?" He holds his arms out, gesturing for them to take a seat on the couch opposite Leia's parents, in front of the coffee table that separates them.

"No, what inconvenience could it possibly cause?" She hears a humorous man laugh like he was genuinely amused by her father's concern.

"True, we're actually glad we just had the opportunity to see this lovely girl." It was the mother's voice, Leia thought it sounded a bit too youthful.

Maybe Leia's not getting married to an old man after all. Maybe it's a really young boy who is to be betrothed to Leia instead.

That gives her time. If he's betrothed to her then Leia has time before engagement and marriage since he's a minor.

She could plan how to break off this engagement and how she could escape from getting married. If she graduates and he's still a minor then Leia could get her chance to go to university and prove her worth to her parents. She can prove that she can take over her father's business and hopefully bring its sales in the market high.

Leia sighs in relief only loud and noticeable enough to herself.

"Leia dear sit down," her mother politely yet firmly demands. 

"Yes mother."

Leia lags and sits. Blood rushes to her cheeks from embarrasmant of sitting down late.

"I'm glad Leia dear accepted our proposal." The mother says.

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