Part 2: Chapter 22

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Real love doesn't meet you at your best...
It meets you in your mess...

-J.S. Park  

"Please, come with me." Leia complains almost in annoying and childish whine to Carla.

She dead-pan looks at her desperate friend. "I don't want to. I don't get it why I should go camping with you."

"I can't start a fire." Leia suddenly answers.

"I can't either." Carla grabs a spoonful of her rice and eats it.

"I'm scared of bugs."

Of course, she is. Carla sighed in her mind as she listened to her excuses. "Me too. If I see a spider come out, then I'll start crying."

"No, you wouldn't..."

"I wouldn't kill it for you either." She swallows her food.

"If I fight a bear, I'll lose."

Carla puts her spoon down calmly and looks up at Leia, "And what about me makes you think I'll win a fight with one?"

She pauses... "Your face?"

"Haha. Funny."

"Your taekwondo skills."

Carla closes her eyes, trying to calm down before she bursts. "I'm eating. Get lost." She picks up her spoon again and points at an empty table across the cafeteria hall. "Go there."

"Please! Please, please, please! I can't go alone when that guy is coming too!" She's basically begging me right now. "You don't need to be such a stubborn and cocky bitch like Tyler!"

She's making a scene. Pissed-off Carla crosses her arms over her chest and leans back in her chair. "Buy me liquorice and jam donuts with different jams in them. I want three of them. I also want movie tickets for every horror film coming out this year."

"You can ask for more than that..." Leia looks at her friend like she's the most stupid person she's met in this world. "Sure! Thank you, Carla! You're a life saver!" Leia's eyes sparkle suddenly, jumping up into a straight and perfect posture in her seat.

"But why can't you take Tyler with you?"

"She's busy over the weekends. She said she has to baby-sit her siblings at home." She starts eating her food, "I don't know why they just don't get a baby-sitter."

"Maybe because they don't have butlers and nannies like you do."

"They're my servants." Leia somehow... corrects her?

"Whatever you call them." Carla sighs.

Leia thought of this as the most perfect moment to get into Carla's bag and grab those documents whatever they are. It's the most perfect master plan she's come up with. Myles seems to have a strong crush on Carla too, so she'd be distracted by him the entire time.

If there was anything Leia cared about right now, it was to find out what happened on 15th December ASAP and find out why Tyler was going into that room. Did she know the documents were already
there? Or was she going to go there for something else?

She can turn invisible. Could that be part of anything at all? Probably not. 


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