Part 2: Chapter 15

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Time is a slippery thing: lose hold of it once,

and its string might sail out of your hands forever...

-All The Light We Cannot See 

Leia opens her locker and looks at the sticky note. She got the same one as Carla and Myles when they mentioned it in the morning.

'Tick tock. I don't think you have much time~ 15th April'

Leia scrunches the paper up. "This is bullshit." She sighs. Someone slowly pushes Leia's locker and Leia quickly pulls her head out and almost screams when she sees Rhyse's face so close.

He looked... serious and... hurt? "How's your arm?" He asks, not looking down. Leia looks down at her arm, lifts it between her and Rhyse to show the long bandage on it. Rhyse's eyes widen, "You're covering it up?" He asks, sighing in relief.

"I need to talk to you." She tells him, "I don't want to touch you to lead you the way, so just follow me." She tells him, he starts following as Leia charges in front. "Stay behind me though. I'm going into the janitor's office and you need to follow me."

"The emphasis on 'follow'." Rhyse mumbles to himself.

She takes a left turn and sees the ugly door to the janitor's cleaning room, going inside, she closes the door after her. A few seconds later, Rhyse comes inside.

"How is this happening?" She asks him. "How were you able to heal me? I need to keep this covered now because Liam saw me get hurt by you."

"I'm sorry..." He looks down.

"Does Liam even know about this?"


"Were you going to tell him?"

He breathes out through his mouth. "No."

"Then why does Tyler know about this? Were you not gonna tell me either? Does Myles know?"

"Myles doesn't know. And Tyler caught me by accident. I was at the football practice; she was walking by to drop off the permission letters for the mental health forum after the murder to the boys."

"I don't understand how she would accidentally-"

"That moment she came inside the clubroom when she was not allowed to without one of the team members there. But she entered and watched... My arm healed after someone tackled me down and accidentally stepped on my arm with their stubble shoes."

"T-that must've been painful." 

"It was." He looks up at her. "Really painful..." He continues after a moment of pausing. "I ran out of the field immediately, so no one sees it healing, but after she saw it, she... came and confronted me at the completion of the process. We weren't sure about it though until... we discovered she like could do something too."

"When did you... discover this?"

"I don't know... I saw it happen when I was using the saw in the creation shed at home. And it healed."

"Rhyse, I actually..." She sighs. Myles warned her not to tell anyone else about her ability. She stops. "I'll keep it a secret."

"Leia, that's not all."

"What? What do you mean?"

"It's not my place to tell you but..."

Leia narrows her eyes, "What is it Rhyse?"

"Tyler can turn invisible." 

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