Chapter 8

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"Nabi,you are such a disgusting person. Why were you even born?"

"Maybe you are such a bad luck that your parents ended up dead?"

"Stop trying to defend yourself anymore. You know you stole it! A parentless kid can only be a disappointment"

"Look at her,she thinks she can be something bigger if she studied like that"

Again,why am I hearing them again?

Ah,..I have long forgotten about them.

My past,the past I never turn to look back. Not even in my dreams I wanted to see those horrible people.


Hazel opened her eyes calmly. She just had a dream about her past life. She had long forgotten about her childhood memories. Never she cared about how other people looked at her but it was still impossible for her little mind to not stress over at that time. And when she grew up,she started acting like a wild woman with crazy habits as a cover up for her weak self.

She never wanted to remember it.

"Young lady,are you awake already?"

Hazel looked at her maid and whined a little bit before going back to sleep.

"Lady,you have to wake up early. It's the day you are going to the palace. His grace is waiting for you"

Hazel groaned in annoyance. She terribly hated this trip to the palace. She felt like her skin crawling with the mention of the palace. The very place where the destruction of the Pendragon family lies.

"Are my brothers also going?", Hazel asked peaking out from her bed sheets.

Maria the maid smiled fondly at the cute young lady. "Of course,young masters are getting ready to go too. Even young master Taehyung,he rarely visits the palace"

Hazel lazily jumped out from the bed,"Why is he coming? Doesn't he have work in the magic tower?"

Maria,"It seems like ever since young lady has come to this family, he has a lot of free time to kill"

Hazel felt a nerve popping out from her forehead. The magic bastard was always on his way to irritate her asking her to join his magic experiments. Since he had been suspicious of her soul for a long time,he had been trying to win Hazel's favour ever since then.

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