Season 2|chapter 59

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[Nakamura Kazuki]



Namjoon cradled Ashen in his arms while his eyes darted towards Hazel who was biting her nails like she had been starved for years. He almost could see an invisible smoke rising from her head as she fumed in a corner of his office. She had barged into his office early in the morning,probably wanting to eat sweet deserts he always prepare for her whenever she visits him. Along with her,somehow Ashen had also followed her wanting to play but her aunt is not in a mood to play.

Namjoon sighed as he looked at the work load he has in his table. He had already ordered her favourite deserts but she was in her own world. And deserts were all gone to her stomach in a blink of an eye.

"Haz",Ash pouted as he pointed at Hazel on the couch.

Namjoon smiled,"You want to play?"

Ashen blinked his eyes with hope which was enough of an answer to Namjoon's question.

"Hazel,why don't you bring Ash to play?",It wasn't what he wanted to ask. He wanted to if she is fine but it was clear that she doesn't want to talk about her problem. For now,she needs to cool down.

On the other hand,Hazel was thinking about all the events happened last night. And what bothered her the most wasn't the fact that Dylan was Orpheus,the former god of hell,what bothered her was how she was all flustered all night because of a man!! She couldn't believe she was all so submissive infront of him!! She couldn't take it. Her ego had grown over the top because of her family name being Pendragon. When the fuck did a Pendragon submit to a fucking human —Well,he is not human,still she couldn't believe it! She wanted a revenge play ASAP!

And she didn't even realise how her cheeks were all red again.


Hazel snapped back to reality when Namjoon's voice reached her ear finally. She flinched seeing Namjoon's eyes narrowing in suspicion. "I initially wanted to let you cool off but it seems like I can't let this slide"


"Who made you this distressed?"

Hazel widened her eyes,"W –What?"

Namjoon's red eyes sharpened as if he was reading her,"Who is it? Tell Brother who he is and I'll take care of the rest"

Hazel flinched seeing how Namjoon's peaceful demeanour changed into something dark. He looked like he is ready to murder the hell King if he had but that's the problem. She was literally bothered by a former hell King after all. And what sent her over the cliff was how Ashen's crimson eyes mirrored Namjoon as if he understood too.

The little punk was no different than his uncles even though he knew nothing and understood nothing. Well,the same blood runs in their veins after all.

"Oh uh it's nothing! I was just uhm stressed about — oh yes! I was stressed about the dress I'd wear for the crown prince's birthday banquet!",Hazel managed to lie as she avoided Namjoon's scrutinising eyes.

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