chaptet 46

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Jungkook looked at the tortured man on the floor infront of him. His lips were curved up as he was giving a sinister smirk at the pathetic man. The cold torture room in dungeons was the place where he felt satisfied. The only place where he can let out his psycho side freely and he felt over the moon with every drop of blood running down on his cheek.

"What, anti Pendragon association? What a bullcrap",he crouched down to and graced his dagger along the man's already ruined face. "You think you can destroy us that easily? Oh man,you're so fucking delusional then"

"Y –You sinners!! We will sweep you out of the f–face of the earth!!!",The man still had energy to yap nonsense.

Jungkook scratched his ear boredly, "Come on,you're saying the same thing over and over again. I'm bored,you know. Tell me something interesting. Like who are your accomplices? Or maybe who is this brave holy man you devote yourself into?"

"In your dreams!! We devote ourselves to save the people from devils like you!!",with his weak hand,he was about to attack Jungkook but Jungkook immediately stabbed his hand to the floor making the man scream in pain.

Jungkook laughed seeing his struggles and gripped him by his hair before making him stand up on two feet. He took at his masterpiece and smiled seeing how blood painted the man. The man had no nails and fingers were missing here and there. The man's blood had even sprayed on Jungkook's face and cloths making him look like a devil.

"Normally,I wouldn't give a flying fuck about you pieces of shits. But you see,you're ruining my sister's future with that bullshit organisation. And that's something I can't afford to let happen. So...",He grabbed him by his neck slowly choking him. "Be kind enough to cooperate with me"

The man spat blood onto Jungkook's face fearlessly. Jungkook shut his eyes and tilted his head to a side with the impact and stayed silent.

"Your sister? No Pendragon will have a future you bastard! We will never let your sister see a future in this kingdom!! Your sister will be a whore in the kingdom we dream!!!"

The whole room went silent after that. Only the man's panting was heard in that moment but something shifted in the air. A sudden drop of temperature could be felt. The guards behind them widened their eyes knowing what's coming. A shudder went through their bodies when Jungkook chuckle.

Guards immediately went out from the room and shut the door leaving Jungkook with the man.

"Heh",Jungkook let out an evil sinister chuckle as he snapped his head towards the man with wide insane eyes.

Glowing red eyes,spreading dominance over the room,the red aura was seeping dangerously from Jungkook.

The man suddenly regretted his words. His death will not be peaceful and he could feel it,a horrible death coming in his way.

Blood curling screams and flesh tearing sounds were the only sounds came out from the torture room. The guards outside could feel Jungkook's aura which made them fall onto the ground being unable to resist the dangerous aura. It only brought fear of death anyone who felt it. It was as they saw their own death when his aura started seeping.


Namjoon came down to the dungeons and saw the situation going on. Sighing,he walked straight to the torture room and knocked on the room.

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