Season 2|chapter 86

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Hazel walked through the dark forest while keeping a close eye on her surrounding. She didn't want any of her brothers following her,otherwise it would be a hindrance to her works. After walking for quite a distance,she saw a golden butterfly appearing infront of her view. She smiled before following it.

The butterfly went to an underground cave. Hazel felt the slippery ground underneath her feet and guessed that a water stream must be flowing through the cave. With careful steps,she entered the cave and just as she guessed,her feet were under a small stream if water. And the whole cave was filled with nothing but darkness.

Soon enough,a bunch of golden butterflies illuminated the place making sure she could walk without a trouble. After walking for a while,she found the exit which leaded her out of the cave. Once she is out,she saw thousands of small golden butterflies surrounding a certain someone. His brick red hair stood out the most as he smiled at her.

"My lady,I'm sorry about the uncomfortable route you had to follow"

Hazel smiled in return affectionately and ruffled his hair,"It's all good. Don't worry. So,how was your trip to winter? Any results this time?"

Jaykar's eyes darkened ever so slightly as they turned from doe to siren eyes. "....I found a way"

Hazel's breath hitched. Five years. It took five years to hear those words. Hell knows how much Hazel waited for this moment. Her body trembled slightly in excitement. Finally,is this the moment to meet her father after all this time?


Hazel paused hearing Jaykar's reluctant voice.

"What is it?"

Jaykar,"You can only meet him at the cost of your sister"

Hazel frowned,"What does that mean?"

Jaykar,"...Soul swapping. I learnt to swap souls. Thus I can swap her soul with your father. This will create an opportunity to meet your father for a short while but it will leave some damage to your sister's soul since she'd be forced to do it"

Hazel's excitement turned into a turmoil hearing this. Sure she trapped her and kept her against her will but harming her was not her intention.

Jaykar saw her reluctance and expected her to decline the offer but to his amusement,she only heaved a sigh before giving him a nod. Jaykar wondered what happened to the warm hearted girl he once saw at the winter camp. She is a cold person now. Her family would never notice her change of personality since she never change her attitude towards her family but to someone like him,it's an obvious change.

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