Season 3|Chpater 97

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Ethan Black's pov|

I am Ethan Black,one of the strongest knights yet here I am,so vulnerable and helpless. Never did I thought that losing her would put me in this painful state. Julia Smith,the constant in my life,the person I took granted for.

I first met her when we were teenagers. We met through a knight camping but we never had a special encounter to bond with each other. She just decided on her own to stick closer to me.Maybe meeting me was a special encounter to her? Now that I think,I met her that day,I got to know about her existence that day,thus it is special. And I only realised it after she left me.

She always had been clinging to me ever since we met. At first,I was annoyed. I didn't want her near me. I tried pushing her away. But she never left. And she never lost her smile whenever she was with me. Her smile reminded me of the spring.

As time past,we trained together and became stronger. We became knights together. And by that time,I was already getting used to having her around me. Though it was still annoying to have her nagging me all the time,it was because of her that I had my meals on time. She took care of my health even when she was dying in high fever. She hid her pain just so she could take care of me. And whenever I was down,she took it as her duty to cheer me up. And me being the asshole,never considered of doing the same back to her. I took everything as granted and accepted her care for me.

And before I knew it,I couldn't do anything without her. But I wasn't in love with her. I just needed her because I saw her my constant. And I never had to worry about her falling in love with another man because deep down i knew she loved me too much to look at another man.

So,when the subject of marriage came to my life,I didn't think of any other woman beside her. Even though I wasn't in love with her,I didn't mind marrying her. I could spend the rest of my life with her. Rather than getting used to another woman,it was comfortable for me. Thus,I didn't hesitate to voice out my thoughts to my parents. I wanted to marry Julia Smith,I told them.

But my parents were opposed to the idea of me getting married to a woman with no proper background. Smith family wasn't a pure noble family. And no one considered them as pure nobles. My parents wanted me to marry a woman from a pure noble family.

I tried again to talk to my parents because I really didn't want to marry a stranger. Julia is everything I could ever ask for. She was there for me every single day. No matter what,at the end of the day,she stood beside me with her Spring smile.

But that talk about marriage turned serious than I thought it would. It became serious to the point my parents threatened me saying they'd kill Julia.

My family has a lot of influence and even if a daughter of a fallen noble family to go missing,no one would pay attention. So,I thought it would be best to drop the matter rather than having Julia killed. It was the easiest choice. We wouldn't have to suffer with that choice of mine,I thought.

So what if I married another woman,I could still keep Julia by my side as a friend. She wouldn't have to leave even if I married to another woman. I was dumb. I was greedy. I didn't think of Julia's feelings at that time.

And five years ago,before the war,she came to me when the marriage was announced.

"Ethan,this is the last time I am going to ask you.....Do you love me?"

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