Season 2|Ch.51

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"Are you sure she is the one?",A middle aged man as he stared at the woman on the ground with her hands tied together. Her hair was all over the place covering her brown eyes. The gown made from silks was messy from all the struggles she put to resist.

"I'm certain! She got brown eyes and was riding the royal carriage! She must be the foreign princess they mentioned!",Another bandit exclaimed excitedly. "I can't believe her own kingdom people would ask us to kidnap and kill her"

"Tsk,doesn't matter. Go and increase the security around this warehouse. We need to wait until those nobles come and confirm her identity",the middle aged man ordered. He looked at the princess and scoffed,"How pitiful. Don't hold grudges your highness,we only work for money. Hah! What are you glaring for? If you have a problem,then you should glare at those who ask us to kidnap you"

The woman said nothing but glared. She couldn't really speak even if she wanted since her mouth was covered from a rag.

Just then another man who looked like an underline,entered the dirty warehouse and whispered something to the middle aged man. A sinister snicker left his mouth as he gazed at the woman. "Time as come your highness. I really regret that I have to kill a beautiful lady like you but money is beautiful than anything",he looked at his underline,"Go and escort the young lord"

The middle aged man was surprised that even after everything,the woman on the ground was not shaken. She looked calm as if she is calculating their every move. The only time she put a little struggle was when she was getting kidnap and that was it. She just sat there like a good little kitten.

Soon enough,the door of the warehouse was opened and a man in a long black hoodie cloak came in. As he approached the woman slowly,he stiffened a little seeing the woman's face. After several seconds,he took another few steps and stopped right infront of her and took off his hood. He was a young man with the same brown eyes and handsome features.

"What the hell! Who is this?!",The man fumed in fury as he pointed at the woman.

The kidnappers were dumbfounded for a second as they looked at the young man with wide eyes.

"She –She is the woman who was in that carriage you mentioned ",The middle aged man tried to explain with a confused and baffled expression. He couldn't understand. The woman fit to every detail he received,so what went wrong? Why is this young man looked so displeased?

"She is not the princess!!! What the fuck!! Couldn't you do a simple task as kidnapping a fragile woman!! Did I pay for this shitty work!!"

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