chapter 39

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Power,the absolute factor that makes anyone vulnerable. Greed starts where power is and power starts where greed is. Everyone is a slave to anything in their lives,no living being is free from this natural fact. So,even the most powerful person is also a slave to something. The illusion of a perfect flawless life hides the most miserable slaves. This is the secret behind the doors of Pendragons. They've been slaves to their blood lust for more than centuries,and now their newbie and the youngest finally had her shackles trapping her to the miserable curse which was known as the blessing of heaven.

Yoongi,Hoseok and Taehyung were by the river side,sitting on the grass having their free time of the life. The kids had gone to their training and there was no one to disturb them.

Hoseok looked up at the sky and covered his face with his arm when the sun rays hit his absolutely stunning handsome face. "Do you think it's fine to let the things go as it is now?",He asked with a tone laced with concern.

Yoongi who was sitting under a tree with a squirrel in his hand,spoke without looking up,"Just let it be. Hazel can handle it"

Hoseok scowled,"But ever since she had her snap,everyone is scared of her. No one would come closer to train with her. She came to this camp to train with everyone"

Yoongi was still playing with the squirrel in his hands,"So? Do you think there is a point in training with weaklings? If she is strong,then she only need to face the stronger. Plus,there is Luca with her. He is so hyper to beat her up"

"You're really fine with him beating her up?",Hoseok turned to him with a confused smile. "You're so cold blooded"

Yoongi held the squirrel by his tail and waved here and there,"She is happy when she has a strong opponent. Oh,there is that Nakamura guy too"

"You're seriously cold blooded. You wouldn't even care if some random guy hit on her? Would you?"

Yoongi,"I'll kill him"

Hoseok was startled,"Huh?"

Yoongi let the small creature go and looked at Hoseok with a poker face,"I will kill whoever tries to hit on her"

Hoseok chuckled nervously scratching his cheek,"Guess,there is a side you get violent huh?And it's not even funny when it comes from you. She eventually has to get married,you know"

Yoongi looked away,"Why does she even have to get married?"

Hoseok,"Hey Taehyung,what do you think about Hazel's marriage? "

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