Season 2|chapter 68

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Jackson stared at the meat grinding beast infront him with a slight snicker in his lips. He felt his heart beating fast and adrenaline rushing through his veins screaming the incoming danger yet he stood on his ground.

The beast had stopped eating its prey a long time ago now and is staring at its new prey,Jackson.

"Hungry,are we?",He spoke keeping down his nerves. He didn't know anything about this beats at all. All he knew was that he attacks whoever felt weak to it. Jackson had no Pendragon aura to keep or a sword to protect himself. Jackson looked carefully at the beast and tried to estimate anything. Speed? Attack ability? Strength?

Soon his questions were answered when the beast suddenly appeared right infront of his eyes. He barely dodged it's mouth as he jumped back and didn't even have time to rest when the beast kept trying to close the distance between them. Jackson yelped and jumped back again keeping his distance. The speed of the beast is incredible and it was hard to keep dodging it.

As he kept jumping back,his leg slipped and gasped when he felt himself falling back. The beast took the advantage and pounced on him with a roar.

Jackson saw his life flashing before him as he felt himself closing to his death. The beast wouldn't spare him and would feast on him within a second. He really thought he was going to die.

A flash of his childhood crossed his mind. He was a homeless kid when he was young. His father was a noble from Bishop family,the family who had the powers to heal. The very family Seokjin's wife came from. His father was a part of Bishop clan. He had fucked a whore and somehow she was conceived. The man didn't take Jackson and his mother to his care. They had to live in streets for years as beggars.

But one day,Kalisto's father saw him in streets and took him and his mother under his wing. He didn't know why back then but later when he found about his abilities,he understood why the Pendragons took him in. He was very grateful for the Pendragons at that time and was willing to do anything to repay the kindness. His mother was very ill when they took him and her,however Pendragons took all the responsibility and cured her making him even more grateful. He knew that they were cunning and deceiving,he knew that they wanted to make him in debt to them. And indeed he was in debt to them forever. But he couldn't be any happier. He was desperate to live in comfort with his mother. He didn't care if they took advantages from him,as long as he could live comfortably. As long as he won't be starved to death,as long he won't see his mother suffer,that's all he ask. The family was filled with devils and only devils could survive in that hellish place which was somehow his heaven. So,he decided to be a devil. He would do any dirty work they ask him to do. Even if it means killing innocent,he didn't care at all. He had no time to think about other people because he was busy surviving in the hell he called heaven.

Maybe that's why he was chosen to begin with. He was a special chosen one,he believed it. And it was true. He was vicious since the beginning with a black heart. He only had two things in his life,his mother and Pendragon family. He would die for them.

But right now,he wasn't here to die. He didn't come down to hell to die. He came to bring back someone very important.

When he saw the beast,everything went in slow motion. He was still falling backwards with the beast ontop of him. His stretched his hand and pressed his index finger and middle finger onto the beast's forehead.

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