Season 3|Chapter 106

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Nakamura Kazuki,a war hostage who came to the land protected by Pendragons with the help of Jimin Pendragon. Other than this little information,no one knew his real identity. Except for Nabi Pendragon.

The dual color haired male sat on top of a dragon as he stared down at the kingdom where he was born a long ago. His dragon was sitting ontop of the entrance gates of the kingdom proudly,waiting for his command. The sky was dark but moon shone brightly upon his head. With time,he had even forgotten to trim his hair resulting it to grow down the shoulders. He had to restrain his hair tying it into a ponytail.

Looking back,he could see the army of soldiers he brought. This is the end result he was waiting for all this time. Going back to his motherland again used to be an unimaginable dream but he achieved it today. His efforts paid off.

Why did he come to this point?

Because he has the right to.

It's his birth right.

And it is his way of vengeance.

After all,he was a royal blooded Prince who was casted aside by his own blood.

He was a prince born from the Royal blood but it was not the most respectful birth. His mother was a noble woman but not a concubine of the king. She was a duchess,a married woman. One of the powerful duke's wife. And the most beautiful woman in the kingdom.

This beauty came with a price. Many men in the kingdom drooled over her beauty and the king was no different. He became a slave for her beauty. But Kazuki's mother was a faithful woman who only had her eyes for her husband.

But her curse of a beauty thundered her whole life. The king forced himself on this beautiful woman when the Duke was away for the war. And she became pregnant.

The Duke felt betrayed. But he could neither kill his wife nor the king. His wife had to give birth to this royal blooded bastard child. But it was a disgrace. The Duke did not want to keep his disgraceful wife with him anymore.

Thus she was sold as a prostitute by the Duke as a punishment. But she killed herself because of the shame.

What about the bastard child?

Neither king nor the Duke wanted to raise the child. Thus,the late duchess' brother decided to raise the child and gave him a name with his last name,'Nakamura Kazuki'.

This uncle of his did not raise him because he loved the child. He only raised the child because he resembled his mother. He couldn't give the love of a parent to this child. He could only protect him until a certain age before getting killed by an assassin who came to kill Kazuki. Ever since he was born,he was constantly getting hunted by assassins. They were all sent by the Queen of the kingdom.

When his guardian died,he was sent to the war when he was just a pre- teen. Maybe because he had royal blood or maybe because his mother was a pure noble blood or maybe because of the both reasons,he managed to survive. He had to kill and witness death at this delicate age.

Then he was taken as a war hostage by the enemy kingdom. And he came a slave there. Getting beaten up everyday,he had to enter another survival game of life. He even had to fight with wild dogs for food.

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