chapter 35

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[Nakamura Kazuki looking pic]

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[Nakamura Kazuki looking pic]


The senior knights were all in line as Hoseok was speaking to them. No junior knight was around them since they are still getting ready for the morning.

"As I said,today is going to be quite a hectic day. Death is what awaiting your juniors today. Only bravery can face today's mission. So,as their senior knights, it's your job to keep them away from death. Let them get hurt,let them see the fear and that's their job to face it. All you need to do it keep them alive. That's the only occasion you can interfere, understood?", Hoseok commanded.

"Yes sir!", The top ten knights exclaimed in unison.

"And in any case if we decide to interfere, you all back out,got it?", He added making the knights confused. Nevertheless, they all agreed without a question but of course there are brave bold people who want to question, such as Logan.

"Ahh wait,master,why is that? Is there anything more dangerous than death?",The sweetheart questioned with a curious smile.

Hoseok smiled slightly, "Sure there is. Lucy,you know what to do?"

Lucy,the big sister of Luca,was startled when Hoseok addressed her. She awkwardly nodded,"Uh yes I guess"

Logan was still confused, "I....still don't get it?"

Hoseok,"Alright everyone, lead the juniors to that place. "

Logan pouted when he was ignored. Feeling upset,he placed his head on Noah's shoulder whimpering like a wounded dog,"He ignored me"

Noah pushed away his head and turned around to leave ignoring him too. Logan slumped down his shoulders on the verge of crying. And then he felt a sudden pull making him turn around to see Noah pulling him by his collar.

"Noah~ I knew you love me", he cried as clinnged onto Noah's arm like a kid making Noah sigh from extrem tiredness.

"Shut up,who loves who?"

"You love me! You're my best friend!", Logan sticks to his own claim.

"Who is even your best friend. Leave me. You're annoying", Noah threw his words coldly but Logan was too much used to them now.

Hoseok watched his student and his friend's interaction with a smile. He couldn't believe that guy was the one who defeated him in an official battle. He is too much of a softy for his own good. Anyone who sees him in the battle field would never believe this sight.

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