Season 2|chapter 74

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Five months.

It's been five months since Kalisto died. The gatekeeper of the kingdom,the ultimate protector,one of the legendary rulers among Pendragons,Kalisto Pendragon had left the world. And his eldest son has taken the responsibility as the next Pendragon duke. As soon as he took the position,he had to stabilise his position by showing his power. In simple,he has to show his ruthless nature in order to keep the extras at their feet. It has been a silent rule in Pendragon dukedome for a long time.

Within these months,bloodshed began and terror started rooting the grounds of kingdom. It was a living nightmare for the kingdom. From beggars to the royalty,fear was no different. Seokjin was killing mercilessly with or without crime based background. Though he showed mercy towards the civilians,it didn't reduce the fear in one bit.

Though he was doing what he had to do,there were some punks who enjoyed it too much,like Jungkook. He was very much happy to bring some assholes who were going against Pendragons. And not to forget,there were some punks who were bad mouthing Hazel since she was the reason why Kalisto was dead.

Jungkook looked at the four women infront of him with an evil glint. "And what were you saying back there? I didn't quite understand. Care to elaborate?"

The girls were sitting around the dining table with their trembling bodies. One moment,they were gossiping and enjoying their tea at a restaurant and the next moment,they were in Pendragon house.

When no one spoke,Jungkookie fist collided with the table startling the four girls. "I asked something!"

A girl whimpered as tears began to fall. Jungkook looked at her and grinned devilishly before walking towards her. Standing behind her chair,his fingers touched her shoulder making her flinch at the touch. His hot breathing fanned against her skin as he spoke next to her ear,"Will you tell me? Hm? What were you talking about my sister?"

She sucked on her breath as tears fell down mercilessly in utter fear of death. She couldn't speak because fear was hindering her throat like a bitch. She opened her mouth but she couldn't let out a word. That's how much she is scared.

"Baby,I asked you a question. Aren't you gonna answer?",his hand crawled from her shoulder to her neck,pressing his fingers against her throat. A dark chuckle left his devilish lips,"Not much of a talker? Hmm. Should I break your vocal code since you have no use of it?"

The girl finally let out a squeaky voice,"It –It was a mistake!! It was a mistake!! I didn't mean to! Please have mercy!! Young lord! Please!I'll do anything!"

Other girls started crying loudly as she started begging mercy. Jungkook felt annoyed hearing the annoying cries of pleadings.

"Jungkook",Yoongi's voice interrupted him. He looked back with an irritated look.


"Brother Seokjin is looking for you"

Jungkook groaned,"Again?! I'm busy!"

Yoongi,"Just kill them and go immediately"

The girls started screaming their guts out making both Yoongi and Jungkook wince.

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