Season 3|Chapter 103

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[Taehyung Pendragon]

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[Taehyung Pendragon]


The bright crimson eyes of the Pendragon mage Taehyung,stared at the destruction of his motherland,and it was caused by non other than his beloved sister. His robes flattered against the wind as he stood at the peak of a nearby mountain. Looking at the burning kingdom,he absolutely felt nothing. He even doubted if he was that much heartless to not feel anything but then again,he had always been like this.

He teleported himself to the burning capital and wandered around while keeping his face hidden under the hood. The knights and mages were still fighting to protect people from the devils from the hell. And he had no intention of helping them.

Though he came alone,he knew that his brothers must have also come to see what was happening. They probably wouldn't be able to sit back and wait.

His gaze went to the palace gates. He knew that she is there. The one he came to see. But he also knew that it wouldn't be a good time to see her. Thus,he turned around and teleported himself to the empty Pendragon estate. The Manor was empty with no one around to clean. Every servant and knight had gone to their own hideouts since they were never allowed to work for anyone else. They were all bounded to Pendragons with a magic portion Taehyung had made. Betrayal was never a solution for them if they wanted to live.

After teleporting himself to his previous home,he found himself infront of the family portrait. It was covered with a red cloth as to not let the dust ruin it. He raised his index finger and the red cloth immediately fell down.

In the portrait,his sister was 12 years old. She was happily smiling as she stood next to Kalisto. Himself and his brothers were all standing behind Kalisto's chair.

"Nabi Pendragon huh?",Taehyung murmured as he took off his hood.


It was the beginning of the darkest era of the kingdom. The era where the darkness rules. The era where only blood could pay the price. The era where lovers killed themselves. Only blood could pay the price.

Because she only wants blood.

Leo stood infront of the throne frozen. He couldn't bring himself to fight knowing he had been a puppet in Nabi's play. Is there a point of fighting now? The kingdom had already been destroyed by the hands of the woman he loved. He felt like a criminal. The fact that he couldn't raise his sword to hurt Nabi hurt him even more. He fell into a despair. Maybe death will not he bad at this point?

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