Season 2|chapter 82

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The two intruders leaped into the air with their swords and started attacking people there.

The first to engage in a fight was Seokjin and Jimin. They didn't use their snapped powers since it would be too much power for a normal attacker. But to their surprise,the two attackers had extraordinary set of skills that was par with a Pendragon with no power. To have that kind of ability,this is definitely not a random foolish attack.

Ezra stepped forward and used spiritual bindings to bind them while Seokjin and Jimin were distracting them. And somehow it succeeded when Seokjin and Jimin corned them. They still didn't need to use their Pendragon powers on them so it was no big problem for now.

The two intruders were tied together infront of everyone yet they didn't seem fazed at all.

The lights came back and the mess was terrible. Though they didn't succeed killing anyone other than the two people under the fallen chandelier,the situation was still terrifying.

Seokjin placed the blade on one of the intruder and ordered,"Who are you? And who sent you?"

The masked man started laughing at his question taking everyone by surprise. He giggled a bit more before speaking,"Don't you remember me my lord? I came to your house a month ago with my friend. Didn't I say we are coming back?"

Jimin scoffed,"How foolish. Did you really think attacking a party filled with all the Pendragons would be a nice idea?"

The same guy answered him with a shrug,"Oh sorry I didn't think that. Hahaha!"

Jimin had a vein popping out of his forehead when he heard the sarcastic answer,"Are you fucking kidding me?! Even at the verge of death,you can joke around huh?"

The silent masked guy spoke this time,"Verge of death? Are you sure sir?"


Jimin could feel his smirk even under the mask.

The spiritual bindings started to loosen slowly with everyone's eyes out of their sockets. Is it even possible?! Is it possible to come out of spiritual bindings?! Not to mention it was Ezra who was using powers to supress the intruders.

Everyone looked at Ezra who was having a hard time controlling his power. His face was ashen in colour with cold sweat appearing.

Taehyung came forward with a snicker and used a whole magical shield around the two intruders instead of spiritual bindings so even if they escaped from the bindings,it would be impossible to come out from the shield. Only a mage par with Taehyung could break this shield.

Ezra took large gulps of breath after letting go of his power while Lucy helped him stand straight. Ezra was bewildered. How could they escape from the spiritual bindings?!

"The tower master doesn't seem so useful at all",Taehyung didn't forget to throw his snarky comment at Ezra.

Namjoon squinted his eyes seeing the carefree nature of the intruders. Even after being captured,they are not scared. Something felt off. "Jungkook,take the imperial family members to a safe place",he ordered.

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