Season 2|chapter 78

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The warning of the strangers from nowhere caused quit a ruckus in the kingdom. A direct attack to the strongest knight house,who could believe this? Though no one was killed that day,it didn't slow down the anxiety rising up within the society. From poor to nobel,everyone shared the same fear.

Is this a revenge attack from hell because they took back lady Hazel?

Or is this a foreign kingdom attack to dominate the kingdom?

Maybe they are Pendragon' enemies since the attack was on to their house and not to the palace?

People gossiped.

Anti Pendragon organisation has been spreading some rumours about how kingdom is paying for Pendragons' sins and it caused a huge uproar in the upper society of nobels.

But Pendragons never stood upto correct their theories or believes or whatever it is. Their duty is to keep the land safe and that was all mattered to them. They silently strengthened their military power. Seokjin specially made sure Hazel,Jungkook and Jimin to keep under control so they won't go berserk out of blue to add fuel to the fire.

It's been a month since the attack but nothing had happened so far. This only increased the burning flames carried by Anti Pendragons. It seems like a rising era for them. A powerful being is behind them for sure but no one knows who that is. There were many suspects for the leader of anti Pendragon organisation, the crown prince Leo,Eva Bulbrook,Ezra the crown prince's cousin being the top three suspects. But who can say for sure? No evidence at all. The organisation had gradually become a powerful information guild. Even the guild members had never seen their leader and people gave him a nickname called 'dark emerald' with the meaning of opposite colour of red.

Hazel stared at the red spider lily flower in her hands. She found it in the wild while she was coming back home from a night patrolling around a near by village. When she looked up,a weeping cherry tree was above her spreading over the sky like a heavenly roof. The tree had always been in the Pendragon garden and she found it beautiful every time she looked at it.

"Oi! Throw that trash away",Luca snapped as he looked at her. He was sitting under the tree with his hands behind his head,wearing a chill expression. "It's ugly as fuck"

Ruby was also sitting beside him  counting gold coins in her hands. Luca threw her a cold coin feeling generous and she caught it perfectly.

Luca,"Just fucking relax,will you? Who knows when we will be able to relax like this again?"

His words were true. Signs of war is already taking its roots around the kingdom. But no one knows who is ally or foe.

Ruby,"I should prepare a weapon guild. Would be a great business in the near future"

Luca,"Fucking greedy bitch"

Though they knew what's coming,no one dared to spell it through their mouths. Even the word 'war' would be offensive at this point if some unnecessary being heard it.

" suits you"

A clear voice of a toddler drew Hazel's attention. Her nephew Ash was walking towards them with his mom hand in hand.


Ashen Pendragon,my one and only nephew for now. There's something puzzling about this kid that irkes me these days. He's still a toddler who shouldn't know how to speak clear words but he....he had learnt how to speak long sentences sooner than expected. Is this a trait of Pendragons? Could be.

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