Chapter 2

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The test that the mages had given him was quick and easy, but ultimately didn't matter. Thanks to Alia's ring, Fehrys had been able to walk easily about the room, attempting to show that he had the strength and dexterity, as far as they knew, to be able to be up and about. but to the mages in charge of his healing however, it was just a sign that their methods were working, and that he should continue to lie in bed for another few sevenday and then get another test.

               Fehrys was ready to scream.

               The only good thing to come of it was that the healers had agreed to send up another mage to test him and see if they could attempt to train him in sorcery again. If he had to sit in his bed for days on end, at least learning magic would motivate him and allow him to pass the time quicker. Now, he was done with a light lunch and impatiently awaiting the trainer.

               "Good luck!" said Alia, appearing once more on the divan, making Fehrys jump again.

               "You're beginning to make a habit of this!" he said ironically.

               "What can I say, I still consider you my patient even if I was told that you're not. So, I have to make sure that you're in good hands. Based on what I saw yesterday, I would say you're not. But I'm hoping for a better outcome today, even if those mages are stuck in their ways."

               Fehrys smiled at her agitation, he knew she really did want to see him get better. "You don't think much of them, do you?"

               "No, not even a little. They're too set on their history and other than one or two mages who are doing some good work on enchanting, they just keep doing the same things over and over. If they don't branch out then they'll become stale, they'll never be able to adapt to a new challenge."

               "But if they teach me?"

               "Then I will be happy that you're getting what you wanted. Hopefully, it helps to settle your mind," she said seriously.

               "I think it would, I don't think I can move on otherwise. I need the closure."

               "I can understand that, and it might just work," Alia agreed.

               "So just how is it that you keep sneaking in here?" He finally asked.

               "Well, I was told that you no longer needed my services, and to no longer visit. The guards were watching Maltia to see when she was on your balcony, so they knew when I was here. Luckily, they forgot to say that I can't visit Carys, Tad, Serev and Flewin. They're only two balconies over, and I can easily pop over to your balcony while Maltia rests there," she explained with a grin.

               "You're not very good at following orders I see!" he chuckled to acknowledge the jest.

               "Not stupid ones, no. This was just an order from someone trying to protect their own interests instead of yours."

               "Well, I'm glad for the company, so you always have my permission to pop in," Fehrys said gratefully.

               "Yours is the only permission that matters. But for now, I better disappear again, you're about to have a visitor," Alia said, then waved with a smile and popped back out of view.

               Fehrys could only smile when there came a knock on his door. She always knew when they were coming.

               "Come in!" he said loudly.

Tales of Vyscher Book 2Where stories live. Discover now