Chapter 34

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Vic was apprehensive about breakfast, just hoping that nobody would ask her about Fehrys. Jondure just decided to skip it, because he knew nobody would even notice his absence, so common was it for him to miss it. Rek slept in, having been up all night with the new toys she had taken from the magical armory, and Vic had been up late adding more enchantments to the new blades, so they still flickered with the purple flames. In addition to the blades, both girls had taken new boots that let them run as fast as the wind. You never knew when you might need to get out of trouble! As much as they loved the new boots from the dragonhide that Fehrys had provided, speed right now could be a necessity.

Now at breakfast she sat in the corner by herself, eating quietly and just enjoying the company without getting involved in any of the conversations. Tebbin and Ravinia were talking to their father, and laughing at some story he told, while Cobbil and her mother were arguing the merits of different egg styles. Evidently Cobbil was convinced that poached were far superior to scrambled and wouldn't brook any argument to the contrary. Vic just sighed at his inability to see anything other than his own viewpoint.

She never noticed her mother approaching until she sat into the chair next to her. "How are you dear? I haven't seen you since we did the dream cast."

"Oh, I'm ok. Just tired. Rek I and were on a long assignment, and it took a lot out of me. But this food will help make up for it!"

"Don't forget to take a plate back for her then," her mother smiled sweetly.

"Oh, I won't. If I don't bring back some of the pastries, she'll never let me hear the end of it."

"Good, and next time just bring her here for the food."

"The thought of those pastries might be the only thing that could get her out of bed this early!"

Her mother laughed softly. "I'm so glad you found your partner, you make each other happy, and that is all I could ask."

"Yes, it does make everything better."

"I think that is why I worry about your brother so much. He never has recovered from Lucera."

"No, he hasn't. I don't think he ever will. In fact, I don't think he is trying to. He uses her as motivation. I'd thought that Alia might stay with him, but she has left the city."

"Yes, that was one reason I showed you the dream cast, I was hoping it would trigger new memories.

"Oh, it did, trust me." Vic said with a little edge.

Her mother paused for a moment, "Victoria, I know the dream cast is a lot to take in at once, but I thought you two would like to know where our people came from."

"I think we both got a lot from that. It was extremely educational." Vic felt like she had to escape, she was worried she would tell her mother everything that was happening. It was bad enough Jondure already knew, but he was one person you could trust with a secret.

"I just wish we hadn't lost the memories from before that battle, we could learn so much more!" her mother lamented.

Vic stood abruptly, "I think I'm going to go bring those pastries to Rek, she is probably starving." She rushed from the room, grabbing a plate full of the sweets on the way. Her mother called out to her, but she never looked back, she might not be able to hold it together if she stayed.

When she finally got back to her quarters, she had silent tears streaming down her ace. Rek took one look at her and wrapped her arms around her in a tender hug. "You're okay Vic, we can go get him."

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