Chapter 24

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It took some time for Fehrys to finish eating once he started, but they finally did make it to their mother's chambers, to find her standing in front of her balcony overlooking the city. They approached her slowly, standing beside her and staring out over Vysher, the river cutting through the towers and spires and pennants jutting into the sky. Griffins circling overhead made the city look vibrant even at this height.

"The valley is so different now than it was before your many times great grandfather came and built this city." Demina whispered. "I've seen the images in the minds of the tribe's elders before your father met me and we fell in love. I know you heard the stories of how we met, many times, but let me tell you some things you don't know. That nobody besides the old half elven tribes know."

Fehrys glanced over at his sister to see her biting her lower lip, she shot a look over at him as well, but then looked over at their mother again.

"The half elven tribes that have been here for many thousands of years are all that is left of the evidence that the elves of this continent existed. I know your grandfather came here in hopes of finding them, in hopes of learning from them, but they were long gone well before he ever came. We don't know where they went exactly, just that they made a portal to other worlds and vanished into them once they made a new home."

Fehrys was stunned into silence, since this had confirmed the story that Alia told him, but he didn't realize that anyone else knew the story!

"How? How do you know this?" stuttered Fehrys, breaking their silence.

"All of the women of power in the tribes pass on the knowledge to each other, just like we passed on our religions to the new residents of the valley as well."

"What? Anu is an elven deity?" wondered Vic.

"Yes, along with Ea and Enlil and all the others." She smiled.

"I had no idea," murmured Fehrys.

"The religions aren't what I meant to talk about, I'm sorry, sometimes you distract me so. The point is, that the elders pass on memories, mind to mind, of our history, so that we don't lose it. Some of us also see visions, snippets of things to come."

"Wait. What? What visions?" exclaimed Vic.

"I can't tell you, or I will get no more. But I can help guide you, and make sure you're ready to face what comes. You two both have incredibly strong magic running through you." She paused and took a deep breath, "I think it is time for me to share my memories with you, so you can see your history. It may help you going forward."

"What do we have to do?" Fehrys asked. Any information like this could potentially be invaluable.

"Luckily, you just need to sit back and relax. Come on, let's all get comfortable, and we can begin." Demina said, leading them back into the sitting area. She lay back on one of the couches as the twins took places on chaises nearby.

"Is it alright if I sleep through this?" Fehrys asked, "I didn't get much sleep at all last night."

"Honestly, I'd be shocked if you didn't. This will be just like dreaming," explained his mother with a light chuckle. "Now, no more questions. Relax, and close your eyes."

Fehrys did as she asked, and immediately was gone from his reality.

He found himself high in the air, looking down on the world as if he were one of the gods himself. He could sense his mother's mind with his, and Vic's as well, and even a spark of Kyrian's somehow joining them and seemingly amused.

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