Chapter 30

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The top of Mount Davhen was the highest point on the continent, and perhaps the world. Fehrys didn't know if anyone had cared to measure them actually. The only thing that mattered to him is that he didn't have to go that high thankfully. The entrance to Lovrath's lair was only two thirds of the way up the peak. Still, it was frigid, and he and Kyrian huddled in his hastily set up tent on the ledge outside of the massive cavern. A warm fire and some magic helped cut the chill, as did some warm reheated soup, but it was still a cold and miserable night waiting for the morning.

As high as they were on the mountain, the sun touched them earlier than it otherwise would have. They emerged from the tent to see a gaping hole in the side of the mountain that Lovrath resided in. Fehrys hastily packed up the tent and made sure the fire was out.

"Nervous?" he asked Kyrian.

"No, just very excited! I never met any other dragons." Kyrian was almost bouncing, as she was so ready to head in, her breath making great clouds of steam.

"Ok, just go slow, stay behind me. Lovrath doesn't like visitors. On the good side, he'll love you. Czanther and Hrushmia were two good friends of his, so you'll be like family. Me, he might eat since I'm not working for them anymore." He entered the enormous tunnel slowly, heading deeper into the mountain. In his previous visits, there were several deadfalls and pits to keep the unwary from bothering the great wyrm, and Fehrys made sure to point these out to Kyrian so they would remain safe.

When they came up on the vast gate to Lovrath's lair, Fehrys was, as always, amazed. A vast golden portcullis was set into the end of the tunnel, through it was a vast cavern, filled with heaping piles of gold and jewels. Statuary and fine art, goblets and carvings of all types lay strewn all over. Any treasure hunter would swoon at the sight. Kyrian let out an audible gasp when she saw it.

Yet it was all fake, just like the lair of Czanther and Hrushmia.

A short way before the gate on the left side was a secret door. A small stone lever opened to a small hallway leading perpendicular to the main tunnel. Other than it being on the other side of the tunnel, it was identical to the lair of the lair red and blue dragons.

"This way Kyrian, all that is a trap for the greedy. Your treasure is waiting for you in your parents' lair."

She took one last look at the treasure and then quickly followed. The tunnel twisted and turned into the mountain, the stone was smooth here, polished smooth and lit with magical lights placed in sconces to make sure anyone here could find their way without a problem. The lights even gave off some heat, so that the hallway was much less chilly than the outer tunnel.

At last, they made their way to an ornate black wooden door with a silver dragon's head knocker. Stepping up with a deep breath, Fehrys gave Kyrian a quick look and then grasped the knocker and knocked three times.

Vic stretched her hands over her head in the inn's bed and let out a sigh. It wasn't the most comfortable, but it was a bed. The first bed other than the cot in the West Gate barracks that she had slept in for almost a sevenday, and it was glorious. Rek was still sound asleep over in her bed, they didn't have any big enough for two, so she had a moment to think.

Nobody they had met in the market or any of the stores they had visited had any additional information about the storm that they all believed had occurred. After a while they had started to get a lot of funny looks from some of the people, maybe they had shown too much interest in it. So, they wrapped up their investigation and went back to the inn for a nice dinner of roast boar.

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