Chapter 31

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"I can't believe it. Lovrath finally taught me to shape change into an elf, and we're stuck flying instead of me being able to use it." Kyrian complained.

Fehrys smiled to himself. Lovrath, being a dragon, was able to finish the training that he had started, and Kyrian had spent the morning twirling and dancing and showing off her new form. Lovrath tried to remain stoic, but Fehrys had seen the corners of his mouth curling up in response.

Lovrath had said the journey was a day's journey to the west, and so that is where they were headed. As they flew westward, they descended further to ease the biting chill of the mountain air at altitude that Lovrath lived in. Now that they were flying low over the foothills, the temperature was much more tolerable.

The fir trees of the lower mountains and foothills were giving way to towering oaks and maples. Most of Odense was seaside, so these forests close to the mountains were virtually untouched by loggers. The loggers also didn't want to deal with the goblins that lurked in the mountains, which was understandable.

Onward they went, Kyrian keeping up a constant stream of chatter about Lovrath, she was almost awestruck by their host, and rightfully so. Lovrath was much older than Hrushmia and Czanther had been and had stores of knowledge both mundane and magical that Fehrys could only dream of.

He had learned so much from the dragons in the short time he'd trained with them, and he could only imagine what else they had learned in the ages they had been alive.

As they flew, Fehrys reached into his pouches to munch on dried fruits and meat. He had to keep his energy up for the flight. Kyrian amused herself by flying low over the trees to startle flocks of birds into the air, and then eating a few for a snack.

If Lovrath didn't think it was goblins digging the tunnel, who did he think it was? More than likely, he thought it was Ordence, trying to finish the long war. He could be wrong, but that was where the tunnel had started before, so it seemed to make sense. Since the slave camp that Rek and Vic raided had been working with goblins, they probably had worked together to find the tunnel opening!

He was getting more and more worried that he'd be flying into an army, however.

The forest was like a lush green carpet below him, with only occasional streams or clearings breaking up the solid floor of green. With the sun beating down on him, it was getting unbearably hot after getting used to the cooler temperature higher in the foothills. He longed to drop down below the canopy of trees, no doubt the forest floor would be cool and dark and perfect for a good break.

If only he had the time.

Seconds turned into minutes which of course turned into hours. Even Kyrian had stopped her playfulness and was showing the strain of the nonstop flying. It was just a matter of time before she asked for a break, and Fehrys was not looking forward to finding a dragon's lair when they were both exhausted. Especially one that might be in league with enemies of the duchy.

"Kyrian, next time we see a clearing in the forest, let's land for a bit and take a break," he called back over his shoulder.

"Oh, thank goodness!" The relief in her voice was palpable. "I feel like we flew across the continent!"

"Still ready for me to ride you?" Fehrys joked.

"Ok, maybe not quite yet. This flight made that pretty clear," she admitted.

Fortunately, a short bit of flying brought them to a large stream cutting through the forest, and they spiraled down to land. They both quickly collapsed, as twelve hours of flying was way too much effort. Maybe for Lovrath and his immense wings, it was a simple flight, but not for them!

Tales of Vyscher Book 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें