Call out my name

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Xylia POV

"XYLIA WAKE UP" my mom yelled while snatching the covers off my body. My mom is one of my favorite people worldwide, except when she's waking me up for school.

I got out of bed groaning because my muscles were sore from working out the night before. I turned on " Call out my name" By the weekend and started my morning routine. 


"Good morning mommy, what did you make for breakfast?" I said while hugging my mom.

"Morning, I made imaginary pancakes and air bacon," she said while smirking.

She really thinks she's funny I said mean mugging her in my head.

"Ma, that's not even funny, I'm really hungry," I said.

"Ms gorlll, if you don't pick up something on your way to school," she said while handing me $50 dollars.

"Ms gorll? who is teaching you these words ma? I said while scrunching up my face.

"You in my business, don't do that," she said while putting her hand on her hip and smiling.

"See this is not what we going to do this morning! Bye, mom, I love you" I yell walking out to my car.

I was going to be picking up Aaliyah and Khylee today because Aaliyah's car was giving her issues, and Khylee had no ride.

I finally reached school with Aaliayh and Khylee after picking up some Chick-fil-A. 

"I'm just so fucking tired of his long-headed ass cheating" Aaliyah angrily spoke while getting out of the car.

"You don't deserve that, you should be alone and work on yourself for a while," I told her while gathering my things.

She breaks up with her "boyfriend" Nayv almost every two weeks, and they are always arguing. They're very toxic but Aaliyah stays with him because he's her first everything and he is all she knows. I try to give her the best advice I can, especially when I feel like she is going down the wrong path.

"Girl I'm trying, we just keep on finding our way back to each other," she said while Khylee nodded her head.

"That's some soul ties shit," Khylee said while grinning.

When I got to school I saw Dakari and some of his friends. I was going to walk up to him but I got too nervous. And I'm not finna go over there when he's with a bunch of niggas.


After school, I stopped by a Caribbean restaurant and got some curry, oxtail, rice, and plantain.

"Mmm, this shit gooood!" I mumbled to myself.

After I ate, I did my nightly hygiene while listening to some music. 

I went to lay in bed rewatching Grey's Anatomy for the fiftieth time. I could never stop watching this show no matter how much heartbreak it gives me.

My phone started ringing and looking at the Caller Id I saw it was Aaliyah.

"Heyy bitchhh" Aaliyah answered the phone slurring.

"Please tell me, you're not drunk," I said shaking my head.

"I'm not drunk, just tipsy plus tipsy," she said giggling.

I started putting on clothes knowing Im going to have to pick her up from wherever she's at.

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