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Fuyumi took her glasses off, wiping them before putting them back on.

"H-how can this be? You died!"

He tried to answer her question, but was cut off when his younger brother tackled him into a hug.

"You're back!"

The two boys laughed as they play wrestled, which ended in a tight hug with laughter. Tears formed in the eyes of the sister who still seemed to be in disbelief, bringing her missing brother into a crushing hug.

"H-hey, Fuyumi, that hurts a little!"

She released him, wiping her eyes,
"I'm sorry, it's just that, I'm so happy to see you,"

Touya hugged her, tears threatening to spill forth from his eyes as well,
"Me too!"

It was a cry-hugfest between the three children, and little Shoto watched from a distance, holding onto the bottom of your shirt.

You looked at him with concerned eyes,
"What's wrong Shoto?"

His eyes didn't leave his siblings as he spoke,
"Touya-nii chan... I never got to know him that much..."

Touya seemed to pick up on this, as after finishing reuniting with his other siblings, he faced his baby brother. They stared at each other for a minute, an uncomfortable silence and tension filling the air.

And then, he hugged him. Picking him up from the floor, Touya embraced his baby brother.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you from him,"

After a few moments of hesitation, Shoto hugged him back,
"...it's alright,"

Well if you weren't crying earlier, you were now. (Tbh I'm not but I'll pretend I am).

You left to your room to give the siblings some long overdue time together, a feeling of pride swelling in your chest due to how good you were at being a nanny.

They all enjoyed their first dinner together in a long while, especially Touya, who appreciated being able to eat at the table rather than having to sneak around for leftovers when everyone else was asleep.

"This food is so much better when it's warm and fresh,"

You chuckled,
"Yeah I'd hope so,"

But then you had a thought. You decided to pull Touya aside for a moment.

"Hey Touya, could I ask where you've been sleeping?"

He shyly looked at the ground,
"Outside most of the time... he never changed the code on the door so I could sneak in and get food,"

He continued,
"They sealed the door to my room, so I couldn't hide there. Sometimes I slept in your closet though,"

"Sorry," he added.

You decided the ignore the fact that you really had been watched while you went to sleep, instead giving him a concerned look,
"Oh you poor thing. I'll tell you what, I'll change the sheets on my bed and you can sleep there. Sound nice?"

He looked at you with disbelief,
"R-really? Where will you sleep then?"

You thought about it for a moment before answering,
"I'll figure something out,"

You'd probably have to sleep on the couch, but you were okay with that as long as y̶o̶u̶r̶ the child would finally be able to have a good night's rest.

The Best Nanny (Todoroki siblings + m!reader)Where stories live. Discover now