Sidestory: Scaramouche pt 2

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"Have some tea, it shouldn't be too hot right now,"

You handed him a cup of sweet tea which you had brewed shortly before you'd found him, and he hesitantly took a sip.

"It's good, thank you,"

He put the cup down and put his hands politely in his lap as he stared at you.

"Young man, do you happen to have a name?"

The purple haired boy was a bit surprised at your question, and you could tell he thought long and hard about his question.

"My name... my name is Kunikuzushi,"

The way he said it made it seem like it should've revealed something to you, but you were clueless as a frog in the desert.

"Well Kunikuzushi, you can stay here as long as you need,"

His eyes widened slightly at your kindness,
"Really? You just met me, yet you're letting me stay in your home?"

"Yup! Though it'd be nice if you'd be able to help around the farm sometimes,"

"Of course I'll help out!"

You gave him a smile, one which took him a bit of time to mimic.

What a strange boy he was.


"Hey Mister, look!"

You quickly walked over to the boy, curious as to what he wanted you to see.

He slowly turned to you with a wide smile, joy full in his eyes as a large butterfly rested on his nose.

Kunikuzushi giggled as the butterfly lightly flapped its wings. He wasn't sure what he was feeling or why, but he liked it.

It didn't take long for the butterfly to take off, after all it needed to get some sweet sweet nectar, but it still left the purple boy a little bit sad.

Your heart clenched at his slight pout, he was just too cute! You really wanted to pinch his cheeks, but you were afraid that you weren't close enough with him yet.

You chuckled before patting the boy's head,
"Aw, don't be sad Kuni, the butterfly couldn't just stay there forever!"

He moved his head slightly into your touch, his pout subsiding as a faint smile formed on his lips.


You were beginning to question whether or not you'd accidentally let and alien into your home.

The boy barely ate much, only finishing his food when you insisted, and he was much stronger than his frail body may lead one to believe.

One time you expressed your grievances over a boulder which made your farm less efficient, and guess what he did? He picked it up and crushed it into pebbles!

Still, he was very polite, and you had no regrets letting him into your home. Although he'd need a new outfit eventually. The billowy white clothes he wore quickly got dirty from all the farm work, not to mention the fact that he needed some sandals as well.

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