𝒙𝒙𝒙𝒗𝒊. The Comfort Of A Mother

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AENORA STOOD AT THE EDGE of the beach, looking out into the horizon

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

AENORA STOOD AT THE EDGE of the beach, looking out into the horizon. Though, she had been on Dragonstone for over six years, the views were something she could never get tired of.

It wasn't long before she heard footsteps nearing behind her. The closer they got the more nervous she became. She had been practicing what she was going to say for over an hour.But, when the footsteps came to a stop and she turned to face her children and husband her mind went blank.

For the first time in many years, Aenora did not avoid her children's looks. She knew that if she did then none of this would be worth it. Nora looked at her once tiny babes with sorrowful yet delighted eyes. The shame she felt for not being a good mother became prominent when she saw how grown they've all become. Rhaemax, Jaelyx, and Aeva were now adults. Fully grown and beautiful as ever. Same with her younger three, not fully grown but still just as beautiful.

Rhaemax, Aeva, and Daemian were in sort of a disbelief. Rhaenelle and Aedith were confused. And Jaelyx was just happy his mother looked better than her usual self. She had more color in her face and her hair was down, like the way she used to wear it.

Before the six of them were brought down to the beach Daemon had explained a little of what Aenora had be going through to them. Though, it was quite hard trying to explain that she was a ghost of her past self, simply because he didn't know the entire reason she went into that state of mind. Aenora had yet to tell him about her unsettling dreams. She didn't want to speak it into existence, but she promised him that when the time was right, she'd explain.

Aenoras children understood most of what they were told, some more than others. And others being, Daemian.

Nora took a deep breath before speaking. "I have let my fears and anger consume me. And by allowing that, I allowed my emotions to take me away from you, my sons and daughters. Just know that I did try to fight it and if I could explain it all to you I would. But, there are only few words to explain the feelings I had. I've let so much time pass, time that none of us will ever get back and for that I sincerely apologize, my loves. But, I never stopped loving any of you, truly," she said softly.

A part of Aenora felt relieved, but at the same time she was nervous. She didn't know how they would react. She no longer knew them.

Aenora looked at Daemon for assurance, in which he gave a small nod.

Daemon wouldn't admit it, but he too was nervous for his children's response. He knew them. Rhaemax was a simple man, and Daemon knew he just missed the relationship he had with his mother. He was never mad at her, more disappointed. As for Jaelyx, he didn't know. Jaelyx was still quiet, but he figured he'd be the most understanding considering that when he was young he was the most attached to Aenora. Aeva was angry, most definitely. She had often cried, and sometimes even yelled, about how she felt that her mothers absence was cruel. Rhaenelle and Daemian were more confused, but deep down they blamed themselves for their mother 'disappearing'. Aedith was, too, was angry with Aenora. More so because she could barely remember the time she had spent with her mother when she was young.

Jaelyx was the first of the six to move. He walked to his mother and embraced her. Not a lot has changed about him, other than physically, Aenora could still do no wrong in his eyes. Inside, Alex was still a little boy who simply missed his mother.

Aenora didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around her son. To her it felt as though they had been reunited, which in some sense they were.

When the two pulled away from each other, Aenora placed her hands on either sides of his face and smiled warmly at Jaelyx.

Her other five children stood in front of her, debating on how they wanted to respond. For the most part, they understood she wasn't herself for a long time, but they were still stripped from their mother for years and they were allowed to be hurt by that.

"I needed you and you weren't there for me, but from what father told us, you weren't yourself. I can forgive you, mother. All I ask is for you to be there when I need you," Aedith spoke.

Aenoras eyes lit up with happiness, "I promise, sweet girl."

Aedith was quick to run to her mother and hug her. She felt pure happiness when she felt her mothers arms wrap around her waist. She couldn't remember the last time she hugged Aenora, but she'd never forget this.

Rhaemax looked at his three younger siblings who stayed standing next to him. Of course he felt bad for himself when his mother shut him out, but mostly he felt sorry for his siblings. He knew they were lonesome for her, any child would be. But, he had the chance to have his mother back and he wasn't going to hold any resentment towards her. He saw what holding in your emotions could do, so he chose peace.

Max walked towards Aenora. He finally recognized her, her true self, not the version of her that was grey and had no light.

"My mother, the gentle Princess." Rhaemax looked down at Aenora, "We cannot win battles alone. We're your family, when you need help ask. Don't shut us out. It does more harm than good."

Aenora nodded in agreement, "My firstborn son, look how smart you've become."

"If Max and Alex can forgive you, so can I." Rhaenelles voice came from behind Rhaemax, "Their both stubborn, you know."

Rhaenelle smirked at her brothers as she moved towards Aenora.

"Well, from what I've seen so are you." Aenora laughed.

Daemon looked down and smiled at the sound of his wife laugh. Its been so long since he's heard the sweet sound of her laughter. He knew it'd take awhile before she was truly who she used to be, if she ever returned to that. Either way, Daemon was just glad she wasn't suffering as much as she was.

Aeva looked to Daemon, as if asking him if it was safe to trust. In return, Daemon gave her an assuring nod. The girl looked to her feet, her heart was filled with many overwhelming emotions. She didn't have the words to describe the way she felt, all she could do was allow herself to feel.

When Aenora saw her eldest daughter wipe her face, she knew she was crying and immediately went to her. Aenora replaced Aeva hands with her own and wiped the streaming tears for her. It pained her to see what she had done to her family, it pained her to see any of them cry.

"My sweet love," Aenora embraced her daughter.

In her mothers embrace, Aeva released every bit of sadness and anger she held in her heart. As much as she loved her father, she needed the comfort of her mother. With Aenora, Aeva felt as though she were a child once again.

Aenora kissed her daughters cheek and gave her a comforting smile. "I'm sorry I hurt you. It was never my intention," she whispered to Aeva.

"I forgive you," Aeva replied in Valyrian.

As Aenora and Aeva pulled away from each other, a scoff was heard from beside them. Aenora looked at her youngest son, Daemian. The boy stared back at his mother, disappointment prominent on his face.

Daemian said nothing as he turned away from Aenora and the rest of his family and began walking away.

"Boy!" Daemon yelled at him.

Aenora shook her head at her husband, "Let him go."

Daemians reaction didn't come as a surprise to Aenora, she was aware that they all had their own feelings and they were entitled to them. Daemian had every right to be upset, and she would continue to try to fix what she had broken. But, for now she wanted to enjoy the little peace she felt in that moment.


Writing in the middle of the night when i have school the next day is my guilty pleasure. anyways, hope you had a good day <3

𝐀𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐑𝐀|𝖣𝖺𝖾𝗆𝗈𝗇 𝖳𝖺𝗋𝗀𝖺𝗋𝗒𝖾𝗇  Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα