16 | An Eventful Call

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•°. *࿐

"YOU NEED TO be careful." Liza loudly clanks around the cabinet under the sink. 

She's quite upset. Quite angry. Won't talk. Might have me on her hit list. 

She slams the cabinet closed and turns around to face me - the heaviest glare of all glares stretching across her face, knuckles white as she clasps them, eyes furious

"I know." I say into the silence. Her anger is fair and it is noted - but there are, perhaps, other things I'm thinking about. Like Stone's death. And how, by chance, it was never a death at all. 

I watched him get shot. I watched him fall into the fire. I watched flames encase his body and I watched the skin on his body disappear from my line of sight. 

But no. He was here. He was in front of me. He wasn't wounded or burnt - maybe his arm, but if only that, he seems fine. 

Fine isn't the right word. I mean healthy. He's definitely not fine - because he didn't flinch or utter a word when I called his name or when he saw me. Almost like he didn't recognise me. 

And worst of all - what could this all mean? Is he with the Romano's? Why would he decide to be with them, to fight with them, to fight against me?

It's too much. Too much and yet nothing at all - because I came out of this knowing less than before. I feel like I'm floating. As if I've been falling for so long, and moments before hitting the ground, I was stopped, and instead of reaching the end, I have to find a different way to land - but a part of me is scared I'll be floating forever. 

"All today proved was that you're not as invincible as you think you are." Liza scolds. 

"I was taken by surprise." I defend. 

"If the police hadn't arrived - you'd probably be dead! He was in a much better state than you, and walking towards us, and you thought it was a good idea to continue!" Liza berates me, finally breaking. 

"I wasn't going to just leave him!" I crack, throwing my hands out, "Not again. You weren't there. He didn't fucking - he didn't do anything wrong, and he was the one that got to die, except he's not dead. He's here. And I'm getting him back and-"

"With help?" Liza crosses her arms, interrupting me. 

"Or not." I take a breath. 

"You're not doing this."

"Well you don't get a say." 

Her arms are still crossed, her glare is still heavy, and her words still hang in the air. They're all threatening, and they're all a reminder of the first time I called her father and the last time I called her. 

"Don't you see?" Her voice wavers, "I'm scared for you. I care for you. For the first time, I've feared you could die."

I step forward with bandaged wrists and a bandaged heart, teetering on the edge of something destructive as I grab her hands. She doesn't pull away.

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