So Entheral

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"Go look for him and bring him back to me, I don't care whether you comb or turn the city upside-down" the young man's stern voice slice through the air, his eyes darkening.

"I just want my son back without a scratch on him" Again he commanded coldly but before his men could respond....  the sound of a motorcycle engine stopped them in their tracks while everyone in the sitting room looked at each other confusingly, everyone turned to the large glass doors of the sitting room when the sound of footsteps entered their hearing.

What they saw made their eyes widen like saucers, there at the entrance stood the person they'd been looking for for more than five hours, plus he was wearing a little helmet and a lady was standing beside him who had her helmet on.

The young man stared at the scene in front of him in disbelief, it was only a few minutes ago that his other son assured him that his brother would be back but he didn't expect it to be now and he was also accompanied by a lady in a wedding gown.

They were both wearing helmets which means the lady must have ridden her motorcycle.

Before he could say anything the bride squatted in front of his son and took off his helmet before standing up.

"Won't you take off your helmet?  I want to introduce my family to you but we can't do that with you wearing your helmet pretty" his son said while everyone looked at the young woman expectantly.

The bride gave him a nod before taking off her helmet making her waist-length hair fall in waves behind her, everyone held their breath while looking at the young lady.

"She is beautiful," they all thought in sync, she would have surely laughed so if she had the chance to read thoughts.

The little fellow pulled the bride by her hand and walked towards his brother and father.

"Lucas are you alright..?" the young man asked his son checking his body with a serious expression while on his knees. Both father and son were really eye catching with all the beauty any man would want to have.

"I'm good Dad.., I just had a long day that's all" he replied to his dad's inquiry which made the bride giggle slightly because the father and son were too cute together and the way Lucas shook his head at his question looked very funny to her.

"Dad as you can see someone came to drop me off so please stop embarrassing me in front of my guest" What he said made the bride giggle slightly again which made the young man's eyes snap to hers, his breath hitching as he took a closer look at her.

"So ethereal," he thought secretly. He couldn't find the proper words to describe her beauty, she was the opposite of everything he knew about women, so different it felt like a dream.

Even though he had always been surrounded by beautiful women who wanted his attention every now and then, he had never seen anyone as beautiful as the bride standing in front of him.

There was something about her that pulled him in the moment he looked into her eyes.

She was too beautiful to be true, he kept looking at her while on his knees.

He didn't realize it as he was so lost while staring into her eyes.

Her green-blue eyes were captivating, her lips looked so soft and kissable, her eyebrows were thick and her natural eyelashes were long.

He couldn't find the right words to describe her beauty and what surprised him most was her skin color, she was a brown skin girl and a very beautiful one at that. Not the type of brown skin that's darker instead it was the type that looks brighter.

"Dad... get up on your feet,'re embarrassing me too much", Lucas said with a shake of his little head, the bride fought back a laugh, asking herself how could Lucas speak to his father as if he was his age mate.

The young man finally snapped out of his unconsciousness before quickly getting up, he didn't know why he was even acting like a confused lost puppy in the presence of a stranger.

"This is my friend Scar and Scar... this is my dad and my elder brother he motioned towards the young man and the other little fellow who looked slightly like him but his eyes were green like that of their father's.

Lucas knew her name since he had asked her when they were coming.

"Those are my grandparents and great grandparents" he pointed out a middle-aged and old couple who subsisted on the left and right side of his father and brother.

"Hi... I'm Scarlett" she said in a confident tone to Lucas's father while holding out her hand for a handshake

"I'm Tristian" Lucas's father replied shaking her hand.

"Let go of her hand Dad.. is my turn," his other son said with pouty lips.

Tristian immediately let go of her hand while she set her helmet on the couch before picking up his eldest son with a friendly smile on her angelic face.

"Hello handsome..., what's your name?" she asked looking at his son with twinkling eyes.

"I'm Cyril " the little fella replied softly while playing with her beautiful hair.

"Wow... a manly name indeed, your name suits you best," Scarlett said to Cyril before kissing his adorable cheeks which earned a childish snort from a certain little one.

"I brought you here to see him but I didn't even get a thank you kiss and now he's getting a kiss for just his little name, hmmph... " Lucas said crossing his tiny hands in front of his chest with an angry pout.

"Hey... my name isn't Little kiddo, besides am your big brother so I deserve to get her first kiss," Cyril said with a smug expression.

Scarlett chuckled softly at their childish bickering.

Tristian looked at his kids and the bride in amusement, his kids are not people who fight for attention but now they're fighting for this young woman's affection.., it was amusing to him.

"Come here big man" Scarlett beckoned Lucas with her free hand.

Lucas walked towards her quickly, as soon as he got to her...Scarlett held his tiny hand and walked towards the couch in the middle of the two pairs of couples and sat down on it before lifting Lucas onto her lab she then kissed him on his left cheek which caused the little one to nod in approval.

The others couldn't believe what was happening in front of their eyes, they were so shocked that their mouths were agape. They couldn't believe that these kids were being so nice to the bride.

They drove all their supposed mothers away but here they are taking a liking to this young woman.

Something smells fishy, was the thought running through their heads, even their father was thinking the same.

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