Looking Sexy In His Shirt

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"Yeah besides good looking is a positive answer," she answered which caused Tristian to sigh disappointedly.

"I think you would want to re-answer his question," he heard Lucas say.

He didn't hear what Scarlett had said next but the boys gave her a reply.

He watched as Scarlett sighed in amusement while shaking her head in disbelief as if not believing what they had said.

Tristian listened attentively to her next answer, he didn't want to miss anything she would say next.

What Tristan heard from her next made a wide grin spread across his face making his mom who was sitting in his room shake her head in amusement, her son would never grin like that if something or someone didn't catch his interest.

Tristian isn't a man who feels fluttered when people compliment him on his looks but somehow Scarlett's compliment made him feel fluttered. He felt like a high school boy who just got his first kiss from his crush.

"Maybe those two rascals we're right after all," he thought with a smile.

"This is the most sincere smile I've ever seen on your face," his mom commented while he passed her phone back to her.

"The thought of that young woman makes you happy even though she's a stranger," she added.

"I...I...just feel elated for no reason what if she doesn't want to be with me? I mean she just walked out of a relationship and here we are planning to woo her" Tristian responded, not denying the fact that the mere thought of Scarlett makes him feel excited for some unknown reason.

"That's great then, you just have to find a way to get close to her," his mother suggested.

"I think it won't work out. I'm sure she might even despise the idea of getting married when the man she loves has abandoned her during their wedding which I don't know how she is taking it or feeling about," Tristian said to his mother in a low tone.

"I don't think you have to worry about that because the boys got you covered," his mother said with a smile which caused him to look at her in confusion.

"You will see soon," she said while getting to her feet.

"I will go check on the cooks to see if they need any help with the food," his mother said before walking out, she shut the door behind her while she did so.

Tristian sighed softly walking towards his walk-in closet.

After Scarlett was done helping the boys with their bath she also took a warm bath herself under the influence of both mischievous boys. Now here she's standing with only a bathrobe wrapped around her without knowing what to wear.

Cyril and Lucas who exited their closet saw the confused expression Scarlett had on her face while she stood in the middle of the room wearing a blue bathrobe.

"I think she's thinking of how to get clothes to wear," Lucas whispered to his elderly brother.

"What do we do now..? We didn't get any clothes apart from the one she had worn earlier," Cyril asked his younger brother while scratching his head in confusion.

Lucas scratched his chin in thought. A devious and mischievous grin made its way to his lips after he thought for a while.

"Come with me," he said to his brother in a whispered tone which caused him to raise his eyebrows at his younger brother.

"Where are you taking me?" Cyril asked as his brother dragged him out of their room Joanna

"Just come with me," Lucas said pulling him out of their bedroom and into their father's bedroom.

Tristian who was about to go downstairs saw his children walking into his room as if they owned it. One has a mischievous grin on his face while the other has a confused look as if he couldn't figure out what his brother was up to.

"What are you boys up to this time around?" Tristian asked his twins with a raised brow.

"You will see soon but for now go downstairs Dad," Lucas said pointing his little index finger at the door...

Tristian let out a sigh of helplessness exiting the room for the duo to do their thing, he was feeling too lazy to argue with them and besides it was not like he would win so he had chosen to listen and just watch.

After their father exited the bedroom Lucas pulled Cyril into their father's walk-in closet. A few minutes later, both of them came out holding a T-shirt and a short in their small hands with a wide cocky grin on their faces.

They hurried into their room and saw that Scarlett was just done with blow-drying her hair and was putting it in a messy bun on top of her head.

"We brought you this," Cyril said softly as if he was afraid of what she might do if she knew that the clothes they had brought belonged to a man.

Scarlett who heard his voice looked down at him and kneeled on the floor.

"You brought this for me?" she asked looking at the white shirt and black shorts they were holding.

"Yes it's yours," Cyril replied softly.

"Don't be offended but isn't this your dad's...?" she asked them with one of her brows raised while she took the clothes from them.

"It is but we promise he wouldn't mind you wearing it and besides you're our guest," Lucas replied in a reassuring voice which made her chuckle amusingly.

"Okay if the big men say so," Scarlett said not wanting to argue with them she was tired.

She waltzed into their walk-in closet while they sat on the bed to wait for her.

After getting dressed up she exited the closet. The shirt she wore reached her mid-thigh covering up the entire short she wore under it but she didn't mind and besides it's not like she had a choice.

"Let's go get something into your tommy big men," Scarlett said holding out her hands for them to hold which they did without delay.

The trio came downstairs in no time, Tristan who was sitting beside his grandmother and working on his laptop was told by her to look up which he did in frustration.

"Why can't these people leave him alone?" he thought with a sigh of frustration while lifting his head to look at the direction she was pointing her chin at.

What he saw left his mouth agape slightly "So this was what the rascals were up to," he thought looking at the shirt Scarlett was wearing.

He couldn't help thinking she looked sexy in his shirt with her long legs exposed.

"Damn, why am I feeling excited seeing her in my shirt..?" he asked inwardly.

"Dad why are you drooling, like what you see...?" Cyril asked with a smirk standing in front of him. Tristian closed his mouth in shame when he heard his son's question.

He squinted his eyes at Cyril. "What are you two up to making her wear my shirt when you could have easily ordered her one" he asked in a whisper with raised brows.

"We are making it easy for her to feel comfortable around you and for you to woo her faster because if you don't and she accepts someone else's proposal forget about getting married for eternity," Cyril said in a firm tone making his father shake his head in disbelief.

"We're strangers, how are we supposed to be in a relationship....?" he asked exasperatedly.

"You will find a way," he replied with a shrug turning around to go back and sit beside Scarlett.

Tristian doesn't know how to react to what Cyril has said. He also understood their reasons for doing that so he doesn't blame them. They've been deprived of a mother figure for too long.

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