Secondo Sayonee : Lost In Transition Labing Anim

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『••✎••』Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Shiloh Nelin Alexander's P.O.V.


"Manang didn't i--" i sharply look up when the door knob of my office turn and twist before opening, revealing my one and only twin brother.

I raise an eyebrow at him. What the hell is he doing here.

He sit himself on the guest chair infront of my desk.

"You haven't been answering your phone" walang kaemo emosyong sambit niya.

As if it will be the answer to all my questions.

Same old kay.

"I'll have you know im a very busy man kay, as you can see im working like everyone else in the family is, did papá and daddy sent you here?"

He narrow his eyes at me "you know that's not what i meant shy, you're distancing yourself from us" there was an icy bite in his words, annoyance even.

I rolled my eyes at him "that is definitely not what i was doing" it actually is.

The family is more peaceful without my mess in it.

"Im getting married" he uttered, voice softening considerably.

way to make me feel guilty.

I sigh as i lean back on my swivel chair my eyes flitting over him.

He look happy. As happy as his facial expression would allow yet once again im affecting it.

This is why i wanted a way out, im always causing things like this.

"Ill be at the wedding. wouldn't miss it for the world" may ngiti kong saad.

Avoiding all the things he wanted to talk about.

"Shiloh why are you doing this?" pagak akong natawa sa tanong niya.

He's smart him and he's my twin, he and i knows that kahit di ko sabihin he already knows the answer to his question.

They just dont get it do they.

They just can't accept the fact that i fucked up and i mess up again and again, im not even sure if i should be attending his wedding.

At isa pa hiraya don't want to be involve with them, including me actually.

If hiraya finds out that another alexander came here he might not even want to talk to me.

I cant have that happening.

Hiraya is the only person who understand me, i can't have him gone from me.

"We miss you" i smile at him as i heard his words.

Kaden is not a very emotional person, he don't even show emotion that often but when he's with me he will.

"I miss all of you too and you know that kay" ssgot ko.

He press his lips on a tight line, eyes calculating as it looks back at me "then go home" madiin niyang sambit.

"This is my home now kay. With spring" i answer without a second thoughts.

Hurt flash through his eyes, i regret even opening my mouth.

I rub my hands on my face frustratedly. This is why i hate confrontation with my family.

Sayonee Series :  Lost In Transition ( Secondo : Shiloh & Hiraya )Where stories live. Discover now