Secondo Sayonee : Lost In Transition Dalawampu't Dalawa

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『••✎••』Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Shiloh Nelin Alexander's P.O.V.

Im gonna strangle him.

Now hiraya won't even look at me in the eyes because of that idiot.

"Hira" he's avoiding me i can tell that much.

He humm from the bathroom. "Yeah?"

I sigh, standing up from the bed and walking towards him, our eyes meeting in the mirror.

I hug him from behind, burying my face on his shoulder "dont let that idiot get into you"

He didnt answer which alert me.

Fuck. This is not a good sign.

"He didn't mean any harm shy" he utter quietly after a few seconds of silence.

Too quiet.

I tighten my arms around him, fuck im not an overthinker but what if he don't like the idea of us marrying? What if he dont want me like i do?

I mean come on he never even said i love you back and its been 2 months already.

"Shiloh you're squeezing me" he impishly uttered.

I immediately loosen my grip on him, hindi ko sinasadya.

He push off of me a little bago humarap sakin.

Eyes full of worry "maybe ako dapat nagsasabi na you shouldn't let rowan's words get into you" his hand raise up cupping it around my face "its alright shy i promise" he said with a reassuring smile.

But i just cant bring myself to believe his words, im not stupid. I can see the conflict in his eyes.

That freaking hurts, i wanna marry him, anytime of the day but its obvious that he dont.

I let go of him shaking my head while laughing humorlessly. "If you dont want marriage with me you could have said so instead of acting like the idea disgust you"

He gasp, eyes widening as soon as those words left my mouth "what? Shiloh thats---"

I shake my head, grabbing my jacket as i walk out of the room.

Im not staying there, to hear words from him that will probably scar and im definitely not staying to say words i wont mean and that will hurt him.

Thats just how much i love him.

I'll protect him even to myself and maybe that's why his hesitation crushed me.

Im so sure of him.

"What happened?" i push passed them not in the mood to answer their questions.

I jump inside my car, driving off with no real destination in mind.

I need to cool down and get my shits together.

Putangina kelan pa ko naging sensitive? Hiraya makes me weak when things are about him.

Not that i mind but sometimes its sickening how i badly want him to just see me. To love me the way i love him.

"OHHH SHILOH MY MAN IN THE HOUSE!" I ended up in a race track.

I accepted his handshake.

"Nung mukha yan boss shiloh minsan ka nalang madadaan dito mukha ka pang mananakit" i scoff at gio's word a mechanic that usually checks my car.

Sayonee Series :  Lost In Transition ( Secondo : Shiloh & Hiraya )Where stories live. Discover now