Secondo Sayonee : Lost In Transition Labing Walo

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『••✎••』Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Shiloh Nelin Alexander's P.O.V.

He's not going out of my sight soon.

Im not allowing it.

And they are not going anywhere near him.

"You're being unreasonable shiloh" my brother stated which made me scoff as stand by the door of hiraya's hospital room.

To hell with it.

Kung di sila pumunta dito, hira wouldn't be laying in a hospital because he had a panic attack.

They overwhelmed him.

"You didn't see him kaden. He was laying lifeless, cold in my arms. What would you do if the same thing happens to nyebe" my eyes looking at him challenging him to still call me out.

Im doing this to protect hiraya.

His eyes waver, he knows im right..

He lets out a sigh "nyebe is his bestfriend you cant stop him from seeing hiraya"

"Will it always be the bestfriend card kaden? Just because they're bestfriend that gives him the right to continue hurting hiraya despite it being unconcious. Nyebe knows how hiraya feels for him" i snap at him angrily.

I never felt angry before and i know hindi ko to dapat binubuhos kay nyebe but cant they be a little more considerate?

"You cant decide for hiraya. Shiloh" he calmly said.

I sneer at him "watch me"

With that i walk back inside hiraya's room, closing the door behind me.

Only to see him sitting on the bed, eyes already on me.

He heard. Damn it. I thought he was sleeping.

He sigh before looking away from me.

I lean back on the door, my eyes never leaving him as i wait for him to speak.

"I don't..." he started before letting out another sigh before turning his face to me again. "i don't love nyebe romantically anymore shiloh" my heart stopped as he say this words.

I should be happy but im not.

Cause im pretty sure he's lying to himself.

I saw it with my own eyes, i saw how he looks at him.

"Dont lie to me" i groan out in frustation.

The image of him laying almost lifeless still in my head and its making me exasperate.

He shake his head "im not lying. nyebe....nyebe will always be someone i'll care for, cause before i fell in love with him romantically i already love him as a brother, as my anchor, as someone who saved my life nung panahong itinakwil ako ng buong pamilya ko because i outed myself to them and to the world. Nyebe was the only person i have at my worst days shiloh, he stayed when everyone around me shunned me so dont do this, dont decide for what i feel and what i don't because you don't know what we've been through. Nyebe is my only family"

His eyes glisten with tears but he still smiled at me and that... that takes my breath away and at the same time breaks my heart "so no shiloh, he's not hurting me. Im hurting myself because i cant let go of the things that hurt me. Not because of nyebe, or ares, or your family or even you. Ako lang to shiloh if you want to be angry at anyone sakin ka magalit but dont ever blame nyebe for the pain i have kasi wala. Wala syang kasalanan"

Sayonee Series :  Lost In Transition ( Secondo : Shiloh & Hiraya )Where stories live. Discover now